@article{Baier-Hermanns-Katoen-Haverkort/05, AUTHOR = {Baier, Christel and Hermanns, Holger and Katoen, Joost-Pieter and Haverkort, Boudewijn R.}, TITLE = {Efficient computation of time-bounded reachability probabilities in uniform continuous-time Markov decision processes}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {2-26}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {continuous-time, markov decision process, temporal logic, model checking, time-bounded reachability}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.022}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Lugiez-Niebert-Zennou/05, AUTHOR = {Lugiez, D. and Niebert, P. and Zennou, S.}, TITLE = {A partial order semantics approach to the clock explosion problem of timed automata}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {27-59}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {algorithms, verification, timed automata, partial order}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.023}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Geldenhuys-Valmari/05, AUTHOR = {Geldenhuys, Jaco and Valmari, Antti}, TITLE = {More efficient on-the-fly LTL verification with Tarjan's algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {60-82}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {model checking, verification}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.004}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Kupferman-Vardi/05, AUTHOR = {Kupferman, Orna and Vardi, Moshe Y.}, TITLE = {From complementation to certification}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {83-100}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.021}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{McMillan/05a, AUTHOR = {McMillan, K.L.}, TITLE = {An interpolating theorem prover}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {101-121}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.003}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Su-Wagner/05, AUTHOR = {Su, Zhendong and Wagner, David}, TITLE = {A class of polynomially solvable range constraints for interval analysis without widenings}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {122-138}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {range constraints, interval analysis, algorithms, complexity}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.035}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{de_Alfaro-Faella-Henzinger-Majumdar-Stoelinga/05, AUTHOR = {de Alfaro, Luca and Faella, Marco and Henzinger, Thomas A. and Majumdar, Rupak and Stoelinga, Mari{\"e}lle}, TITLE = {Model checking discounted temporal properties}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {139-170}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {logic, model checking, quantitative systems, discounting, CTL}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.033}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Bab-Nickelsen/05, AUTHOR = {Bab, Sebastian and Nickelsen, Arfst}, TITLE = {One query reducibilities between partial information 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Louis}, } @article{Beaudry-Fernandez-Holzer/05, AUTHOR = {Beaudry, Martin and Fernandez, Jos{\'e} M. and Holzer, Markus}, TITLE = {A common algebraic description for probabilistic and quantum computations}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {206-234}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.008}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Bernardi-Durand-Formenti-Kari/05, AUTHOR = {Bernardi, Vincent and Durand, Bruno and Formenti, Enrico and Kari, Jarkko}, TITLE = {A new dimension sensitive property for cellular automata}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {235-247}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {number-conserving cellular automata, undecidability, number-decreasing cellular automata}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.009}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Beygelzimer-Ogihara/05, AUTHOR = {Beygelzimer, Alina and Ogihara, Mitsunori}, TITLE = {The enumerability of $P$ collapses $P$ to $NC$}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {248-259}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {complexity theory, circuit value problem, enumerative approximations}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.010}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Bohler-Glasser-Schwarz-Wagner/05, AUTHOR = {B{\"o}hler, E. and Gla{\ss}er, C. and Schwarz, B. and Wagner, K.W.}, TITLE = {Generation problems}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {260-295}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {computational complexity, closures, polynomials, sos problem}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.011}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Czeizler/05, AUTHOR = {Czeizler, Elena}, TITLE = {The non-parametrizability of the word equation $xyz=zvx$: A short proof}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {296-303}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.012}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Domaratzki-Salomaa/05a, AUTHOR = {Domaratzki, Michael and Salomaa, Kai}, TITLE = {Decidability of trajectory-based equations}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {304-330}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {shuffle on trajectories, deletion along trajectories, language equations, shuffle decompositions}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.013}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Fraigniaud-Ilcinkas-Peer-Pelc-Peleg/05, AUTHOR = {Fraigniaud, Pierre and Ilcinkas, David and Peer, Guy and Pelc, Andrzej and Peleg, David}, TITLE = {Graph exploration by a finite automaton}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {331-344}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {graph exploration, labyrinth, finite automaton, mobile agent, robot}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.014}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Hemaspaandra-Hemaspaandra-Hempel/05a, AUTHOR = {Hemaspaandra, Edith and 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complexity, symmetry of information, compression}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.017}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Nordh/05, AUTHOR = {Nordh, Gustav}, TITLE = {The complexity of equivalence and isomorphism of systems of equations over finite groups}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {406-424}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {graph isomorphism, computational complexity, systems of equations, finite groups}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.018}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Okhotin/05b, AUTHOR = {Okhotin, Alexander}, TITLE = {The dual of concatenation}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {425-447}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {formal languages, semiring, regular expressions, language equations, deductive parsing, co-context-free languages, conjunctive grammars, boolean grammars}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.019}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Selivanov-Wagner/05, AUTHOR = {Selivanov, Victor L. and Wagner, Klaus W.}, TITLE = {A reducibility for the dot-depth hierarchy}, JOURNAL = {Theor.~Comput.~Sci.}, VOLUME = {345}, NUMBER = {2-3}, PAGES = {448-472}, YEAR = {2005}, EDITOR = {Ausiello, G. and Sannella, D.}, KEYWORDS = {dot-depth hierarchy, reducibility, complete sets, degree structure, leaf languages}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2005.07.020}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-Jena-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Wich/05, AUTHOR = {Wich, Klaus}, TITLE = 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