@article{Elmroth-Gustavson-Jonsson-Kagstrom/04, AUTHOR = {Elmroth, Erik and Gustavson, Fred and Jonsson, Isak and K{\aa}gstr{\"{o}}m, Bo}, TITLE = {Recursive blocked algorithms and hybrid data structures for dense matrix library software}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {3-45}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {recursion, automatic variable blocking, superscalar, gemm-based, level 3 blas, hybrid data structures, superscalar kernels, smp parallelization, library software, lapack, slicot, essl, recsy, dense linear algebra, factorizations, matrix equations}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503428693}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Fairweather-Gladwell/04, AUTHOR = {Fairweather, Graeme and Gladwell, Ian}, TITLE = {Algorithms for almost block diagonal linear systems}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {49-58}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {almost block diagonal systems, direct algorithms, boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations, method of lines}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S003614450240506X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Moreau-Aeyels/04, AUTHOR = {Moreau, Luc and Aeyels, Dirk}, TITLE = {A novel variational method for deriving Lagrangian and Hamiltonian models of inductor-capacitor circuits}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {59-84}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {electric circuits, variational modeling, lagrangian dynamics, hamiltonian dynamics, dirac structures, optimal control, maximum principle}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502409020}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Yao-Zhang-Zhou/04, AUTHOR = {Yao, David D. and Zhang, Shuzhong and Zhou, Xun Yu}, TITLE = {Stochastic linear-quadratic control via primal-dual semidefinite programming}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {87-111}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {stochastic linear-quadratic control, semidefinite programming, complementary duality, mean-square stability, generalized riccati equation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503434203}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Davison-Doeschl/04, AUTHOR = {Davison, Matt and Doeschl, Andrea}, TITLE = {A hyperbolic PDE with parabolic behavior}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {115-127}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {partial differential equations, method of characteristics, evolution equations, goursat's theorem}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502409007}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Fitt-Please/04, AUTHOR = {Fitt, Alistair D. and Please, Colin P.}, TITLE = {On the separation of coconuts: A modeling week study}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {128-139}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {mathematical modeling, modeling weeks, poroelasticity, nonlinear diffusion equation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S003614450342106X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Schafer/04, AUTHOR = {Sch{\"{a}}fer, Uwe}, TITLE = {A linear complementarity problem with a $P$-matrix}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {189-201}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {linear complementarity problem, $P$-matrix, $H$-matrix, positive definite matrix, linear systems of interval equations, interval newton method, rigorous error control}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502420083}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dorman-Sinsheimer-Lange/04, AUTHOR = {Dorman, Karin S. and Sinsheimer, Janet S. and Lange, Kenneth}, TITLE = {In the garden of branching processes}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {202-229}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {birth--death process, branching process, immigration, progeny generating function, matrix exponential, poisson process, kronecker product, mutation, x-linked, haplotype, vaccination, hiv}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502417843}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Turski/04, AUTHOR = {Turski, Jacek}, TITLE = {Geometric Fourier analysis of the conformal camera for active vision}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {230-255}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {irreducible unitary representations of lie groups, geometric fourier analysis, the conformal camera, projective fourier analysis, perspectively adapted image processing, retinotopic mapping, foveated vision}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502400961}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ding-Zha-He-Husbands-Simon/04, AUTHOR = {Ding, Chris H.Q. and Zha, Hongyuan and He, Xiaofeng and Husbands, Parry and Simon, Horst D.}, TITLE = {Link analysis: Hubs and authorities on the World Wide Web}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {256-268}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {webpage ranking, random graph, co-citation, co-reference, hits, pagerank}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144501389218}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gneiting-Schlather/04, AUTHOR = {Gneiting, Tilmann and Schlather, Martin}, TITLE = {Stochastic models that separate fractal dimension and the Hurst effect}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {269-282}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {cauchy class, fractal dimension, fractional brownian motion, hausdorff dimension, hurst coefficient, long-range dependence, power-law covariance, self-similar, simulation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144501394387}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Alon-Dar-Parnas-Ron/04, AUTHOR = {Alon, Noga and Dar, Seannie and Parnas, Michal and Ron, Dana}, TITLE = {Testing of clustering}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {285-308}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {property testing, clustering, randomized algorithms, approximation algorithms}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503437178}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lampret/04, AUTHOR = {Lampret, Vito}, TITLE = {An invitation to Hermite's integration and summation: A comparison between Hermite's and Simpson's rules}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {311-328}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {euler's constant, hermite, numerical integration, simpson, stirling, summation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502416308}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Persson-Strang/04, AUTHOR = {Persson, Per-Olof and Strang, Gilbert}, TITLE = {A simple mesh generator in MATLAB}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {329-345}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {mesh generation, distance functions, delaunay triangulation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503429121}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Serrano/04, AUTHOR = {Serrano, Roberto}, TITLE = {The theory of implementation of social choice rules}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {377-414}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {implementation theory, mechanism design, complete and incomplete information, decentralization, game theory, dominance, nash equilibrium, monotonicity}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503435945}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Stensholt/04, AUTHOR = {Stensholt, Eivind}, TITLE = {Single transferable votes with tax cuts}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {417-442}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {election systems, single transferable votes, monotonicity}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144501392650}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Greengard-Lee/04, AUTHOR = {Greengard, Leslie and Lee, June-Yub}, TITLE = {Accelerating the nonuniform fast Fourier transform}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {443-454}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {nonuniform fast fourier transform, fast gridding, fft, image reconstruction}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S003614450343200X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ivancevic/04, AUTHOR = {Ivancevic, V.}, TITLE = {Symplectic rotational geometry in human biomechanics}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {455-474}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {human biomechanics, symplectic geometry, rotational lie groups, generalized hamiltonian formalism, affine servo control}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S003614450341313X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Alessandrini-Morassi-Rosset/04, AUTHOR = {Alessandrini, Giovanni and Morassi, Antonino and Rosset, Edi}, TITLE = {Detecting an inclusion in an elastic body by boundary measurements}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {477-498}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {inverse boundary problem, elasticity, size estimates, strong unique continuation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144504442098}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Berrut-Trefethen/04, AUTHOR = {Berrut, Jean-Paul and Trefethen, Lloyd N.}, TITLE = {Barycentric Lagrange interpolation}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {501-517}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {barycentric formula, interpolation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502417715}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Muller-Magaia-Herbst/04, AUTHOR = {Muller, Neil and Magaia, Louren{\c{c}}o and Herbst, B.M.}, TITLE = {Singular value decomposition, eigenfaces, and 3D reconstructions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {518-545}, YEAR = {2004}, KEYWORDS = {singular value decomposition, facial recognition, 3D reconstruction}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Koblitz-Menezes/04, AUTHOR = {Koblitz, Neal and Menezes, Alfred J.}, TITLE = {A survey of public-key cryptosystems}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {599-634}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {cryptography, public key, elliptic curve}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503439190}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Strang-Nguyen/04, AUTHOR = {Strang, Gilbert and Nguyen, Tri}, TITLE = {The interplay of ranks of submatrices}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {637-646}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {band matrix, low rank submatrix, nullity theorem, fast multiplication}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503434381}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Blondel-Gajardo-Heymans-Senellart-van_Dooren/04, AUTHOR = {Blondel, Vincent D. and Gajardo, Anah{\'{i}} and Heymans, Maureen and Senellart, Pierre and van Dooren, Paul}, TITLE = {A measure of similarity between graph vertices: Applications to synonym extraction and web searching}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {647-666}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {algorithms, graph algorithms, graph theory, eigenvalues of graphs}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144502415960}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Boyd-Diaconis-Xiao/04, AUTHOR = {Boyd, Stephen and Diaconis, Persi and Xiao, Lin}, TITLE = {Fastest mixing Markov chain on a graph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {667-689}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {markov chains, second largest eigenvalue modulus, fast mixing, semidefinite programming, subgradient method}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503423264}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Li-White/04, AUTHOR = {Li, Jing-Rebecca and White, Jacob}, TITLE = {Low-rank solution of Lyapunov equations}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {693-713}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {lyapunov equation, alternating direction implicit iteration, low-rank approximation, dominant invariant subspace, iterative methods}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144504443389}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Shaw/04, AUTHOR = {Shaw, William T.}, TITLE = {Recovering holomorphic functions from their real or imaginary parts without the Cauchy-Riemann equations}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {717-728}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {complex analysis, Cauchy-Riemann equations, computer algebra}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144503432151}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Skufca/04, AUTHOR = {Skufca, Joseph D.}, TITLE = {Analysis still matters: A surprising instance of failure of Runge-Kutta-Felberg ODE solvers}, JOURNAL = {SIAM Review}, VOLUME = {46}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {729-737}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Wright, Margaret H.}, KEYWORDS = {Runge-Kutta-Felberg (RKF), numerical instability, chaos, numerical chaos}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S003614450342911X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, }