@article{Dey-Rajan/04, AUTHOR = {Dey, Bikash Kumar and Rajan, B. Sundar}, TITLE = {Codes closed under arbitrary Abelian group of permutations}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-18}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {quasi-cyclic codes, permutation group of codes, discrete fourier transform, self-dual codes}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102416192}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lin-Lu-Sun/04, AUTHOR = {Lin, Ching-Chi and Lu, Hsueh-I and Sun, I-Fan}, TITLE = {Improved compact visibility representation of planar graph via Schnyder's realizer}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {19-29}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {visibility representation, planar graph algorithm, graph drawing, realizer, canonical ordering}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103420744}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Guruswami-Khanna/04, AUTHOR = {Guruswami, Venkatesan and Khanna, Sanjeev}, TITLE = {On the hardness of 4-coloring a 3-colorable graph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {30-40}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {graph coloring, pcp theorem, $NP$-hardness, hardness of approximation}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100376794}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gabow/04, AUTHOR = {Gabow, Harold N.}, TITLE = {An ear decomposition approach to approximating the smallest 3-edge connected spanning subgraph of a multigraph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {41-70}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {approximation algorithms, network design, multigraphs, graph connectivity, edge connectivity, ear decomposition, depth-first search}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102405476}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Miers-Ruskey/04a, AUTHOR = {Miers, C.R. and Ruskey, F.}, TITLE = {Counting strings with given elementary symmetric function evaluations II: Circular strings}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {71-82}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {elementary symmetric function, combinatorial enumeration, integers mod $q$, Lyndon word, M{\"{o}}bius inversion, multinomial coefficient, finite field}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103428053}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lau-Corneil/04, AUTHOR = {Lau, Lap Chi and Corneil, Derek G.}, TITLE = {Recognizing powers of proper interval, split, and chordal graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {83-102}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {proper interval graphs, split graphs, chordal graphs, graph roots, graph powers, graph algorithms}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103425930}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lutz/04a, AUTHOR = {Lutz, Frank H.}, TITLE = {Small examples of nonconstructible simplicial balls and spheres}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {103-109}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {simplicial balls and spheres, constructibility, shellability, vertex-decomposability, knots in 3-balls and 3-spheres}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103430521}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Katta-Sethuraman/04, AUTHOR = {Katta, Akshay-Kumar and Sethuraman, Jay}, TITLE = {A note on bandits with a twist}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {110-113}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {multiarmed bandit problem, generalized bandit problem, stochastic scheduling, priority rule, gittins index, game}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103433549}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Engebretsen/04a, AUTHOR = {Engebretsen, Lars}, TITLE = {The nonapproximability of non-Boolean predicates}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {114-129}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {combinatorial optimization, approximation, approximation hardness, maximum csp}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100380458}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Goresky-Klapper-Murty-Shparlinski/04, AUTHOR = {Goresky, Mark and Klapper, Andrew and Murty, Ram and Shparlinski, Igor}, TITLE = {On decimations of $l$-sequences}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {130-140}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {feedback with carry shift register, arithmetic correlation, exponential sum, binary sequence, $p$-adic number}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102403428}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Schachtel/04, AUTHOR = {Schachtel, Gabriel A.}, TITLE = {Exact word-run statistics in random orderings}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {141-158}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {run test, word, sequence analysis, cluster, short tandem repeat, microsatellite}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480101390576}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Hage-Harju/04, AUTHOR = {Hage, Jurriaan and Harju, Tero}, TITLE = {A characterization of acyclic switching classes of graphs using forbidden subgraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {159-176}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {graph, switching class, Seidel switching, acyclic graph, trees, forbidden induced subgraph, critically cyclic graph}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100381890}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chandran-Ram/04, AUTHOR = {Chandran, L. Sunil and Ram, L. Shankar}, TITLE = {On the number of minimum cuts in a graph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {177-194}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {minimum cuts, circular partition}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103427138}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lozin-Rautenbach/04, AUTHOR = {Lozin, V. and Rautenbach, D.}, TITLE = {On the band-, tree-, and clique-width of graphs with bounded vertex degree}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {195-206}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {band-width, clique-width, tree-width, hereditary class, forbidden induced subgraph}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102419755}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ageev-Ye-Zhang/04, AUTHOR = {Ageev, Alexander and Ye, Yinyu and Zhang, Jiawei}, TITLE = {Improved combinatorial approximation algorithms for the $k$-level facility location problem}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {207-217}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {facility location, approximation algorithm, performance guarantee, polynomial-time reduction}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102417215}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Feige/04, AUTHOR = {Feige, Uriel}, TITLE = {Approximating maximum clique by removing subgraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {219-225}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {approximation algorithm, clique, independent set}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S089548010240415X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{de_Figueiredo-Maffray/04, AUTHOR = {de Figueiredo, Celina M.H. and Maffray, Fr{\'{e}}d{\'{e}}ric}, TITLE = {Optimizing bull-free perfect graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {226-240}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {graph algorithms, perfect graphs, analysis of algorithms and problem complexity, combinatorial optimization}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480198339237}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Will-Hulett/04, AUTHOR = {Will, Todd G. and Hulett, Heather}, TITLE = {Parsimonious multigraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {241-245}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {parsimonious, multigraph, degree sequence}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103432477}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Saliola-Whiteley/04, AUTHOR = {Saliola, Franco and Whiteley, Walter}, TITLE = {Constraining plane configurations in CAD: Circles, lines, and angles in the plane}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {246-271}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {computer aided design, constraint, inversive geometry, circles and angles, generic rigidity, hyperbolic geometry}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100374138}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ramnath/04, AUTHOR = {Ramnath, Sarnath}, TITLE = {Dynamic digraph connectivity hastens minimum sum-of-diameters clustering}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {272-286}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {dynamic digraph connectivity, sum-of-diameters clustering, semionline algorithms}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102396099}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Huygens-Mahjoub-Pesneau/04, AUTHOR = {Huygens, David and Mahjoub, Ali Ridha and Pesneau, Pierre}, TITLE = {Two edge-disjoint hop-constrained paths and polyhedra}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {287-312}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {survivable network, edge-disjoint paths, hop-constraints, polyhedron, facet}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102419445}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Hou/04, AUTHOR = {Hou, Xiang-Dong}, TITLE = {A note on the proof of Niho's conjecture}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {313-319}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {almost perfect nonlinear function, cross-correlation, maximally nonlinear function, niho's conjecture}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103432817}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lu/04, AUTHOR = {Lu, Chi-Jen}, TITLE = {Deterministic hypergraph coloring and its applications}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {320-331}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {hypergraph, approximation algorithm, Lov{\'a}sz local lemma, derandomization, approximate counting, partially ordered set}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100367664}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kowalski-Pelc/04a, AUTHOR = {Kowalski, Dariusz R. and Pelc, Andrzej}, TITLE = {Faster deterministic broadcasting in ad hoc radio networks}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {332-346}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {distributed algorithms, radio networks, broadcasting}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S089548010342464X}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Azar-Epstein/04, AUTHOR = {Azar, Yossi and Epstein, Leah}, TITLE = {On-line load balancing of temporary tasks on identical machines}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {347-352}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {on-line, competitive ratio, temporary tasks, load balancing, scheduling}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480197329296}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chen-Davis-Hall-Li-Patel-Stewart/04, AUTHOR = {Chen, Guantao and Davis, George and Hall, Frank and Li, Zhongshan and Patel, Kinnari and Stewart, Michael}, TITLE = {An interlacing result on normalized Laplacians}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {353-361}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {normalized laplacian, eigenvalues, graphs, subgraphs, cauchy interlacing property}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103438589}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Galil-Park-Park/04, AUTHOR = {Galil, Zvi and Park, Jong Geun and Park, Kunsoo}, TITLE = {Three-dimensional periodicity and its application to pattern matching}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {362-381}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {three-dimensional periodicity, pattern matching}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480101390308}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ostergard-Vardy/04, AUTHOR = {{\"{O}}sterg{\aa}rd, Patric R.J. and Vardy, Alexander}, TITLE = {Resolving the existence of full-rank tilings of binary Hamming spaces}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {382-387}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {characters, exact cover, full-rank tilings, perfect codes}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480104435804}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Cera-Dianez-Marquez/04, AUTHOR = {Cera, M. and Di{\'{a}}nez, A. and M{\'{a}}rquez, A.}, TITLE = {Extremal graphs without topological complete subgraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {388-396}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {extremal graph theory, topological complete subgraphs}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100378677}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Athanasiadis-Reiner/04, AUTHOR = {Athanasiadis, Christos A. and Reiner, Victor}, TITLE = {Noncrossing partitions for the group $D_n$}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {397-417}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {noncrossing partition, nonnesting partition, reflection group, root poset, antichain, catalan number, narayana numbers, type d, garside structure}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480103432192}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Hitczenko-Savage/04, AUTHOR = {Hitczenko, Pawel and Savage, Carla D.}, TITLE = {On the multiplicity of parts in a random composition of a large integer}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {418-435}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {compositions of an integer, random compositions, geometric random variables}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480199363155}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Brandstadt-Le/04, AUTHOR = {Brandst{\"{a}}dt, Andreas and Le, Van Bang}, TITLE = {Split-perfect graphs: Characterizations and algorithmic use}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {341-360}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {perfect graphs, $p_4$-structure of perfect graphs, graphs with $p_4$-structure of split graphs, perfectly orderable graphs, brittle graphs, superbrittle graphs, $p_4$-sparse graphs, $p_4$-lite graphs, $p_4$-laden graphs, good characterization, linear time recognition, primeval decomposition tree}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100367676}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Bacso-Gravier-Gyarfas-Preissmann-Sebo/04, AUTHOR = {Bacs{\'{o}}, G{\'{a}}bor and Gravier, Sylvain and Gy{\'{a}}rf{\'{a}}s, Andr{\'{a}}s and Preissmann, Myriam and Seb{\H{o}}, Andr{\'{a}}s}, TITLE = {Coloring the maximal cliques of graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {361-376}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {clique-coloring, hypergraph}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480199359995}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Banks-Conflitti-Shparlinski/04, AUTHOR = {Banks, William D. and Conflitti, Alessandro and Shparlinski, Igor E.}, TITLE = {Number theoretic designs for directed regular graphs of small diameter}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {377-383}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {exponential sums, character sums, extremal problems, graphs}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480101396676}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Cheng/04, AUTHOR = {Cheng, Christine T.}, TITLE = {Improved approximation algorithms for the demand routing and slotting problem with unit demands on rings}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {384-402}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {bandwidth allocation problem, demand routing and slotting, sonet rings, wdm networks}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480101386723}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gerke-McDiarmid/04, AUTHOR = {Gerke, Stefanie and McDiarmid, Colin}, TITLE = {Graph imperfection with a co-site constraint}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {403-425}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {imperfection ratio, generalized graph coloring, perfect graphs, channel assignment}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102402514}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Barg-Zemor/04, AUTHOR = {Barg, Alexander and Z{\'{e}}mor, Gilles}, TITLE = {Error exponents of expander codes under linear-complexity decoding}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {426-445}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {elias radius, error exponents, expander codes, iterative decoding}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102403799}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chen-Hwang-Zhu/04, AUTHOR = {Chen, W.R. and Hwang, F.K. and Zhu, Xuding}, TITLE = {Equivalence of the 1-rate model to the classical model on strictly nonblocking switching networks}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {446-452}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {switching network, 1-rate network, multirate network, graph coloring, flow, strictly nonblocking}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102414806}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Krokhin-Jeavons-Jonsson/04, AUTHOR = {Krokhin, Andrei and Jeavons, Peter and Jonsson, Peter}, TITLE = {Constraint satisfaction problems on intervals and lengths}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {453-477}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {Allen's interval algebra, interval satisfiability, computational complexity, tractable cases, dichotomy theorem}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480102410201}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dougherty-Faber/04, AUTHOR = {Dougherty, Randall and Faber, Vance}, TITLE = {The degree-diameter problem for several varieties of Cayley graphs I: The Abelian case}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {478-519}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {degree-diameter, distributed loop network, lattice covering}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480100372899}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Flammini-Perennes/04, AUTHOR = {Flammini, Michele and P{\'{e}}renn{\`{e}}s, St{\'{e}}phane}, TITLE = {Lower bounds on the broadcasting and gossiping time of restricted protocols}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {521-540}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {broadcasting, gossiping, lower bounding technique, general and specific networks}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480101386450}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Trevisan/04, AUTHOR = {Trevisan, Luca}, TITLE = {On local versus global satisfiability}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {17}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {541-547}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Griggs, J.R.}, KEYWORDS = {maximum satisfiability, constraint satisfaction, probabilistic method}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0895480197326528}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{To-Safavi-Naini/04, AUTHOR = {T{\^{o}}, Vu Dong and Safavi-Naini, Reihaneh}, TITLE = {On the maximal codes of length 3 with the 2-identifiable parent property}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. 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