@article{Feder-Hell-Huang/08, AUTHOR = {Feder, Tom{\'a}s and Hell, Pavol and Huang, Jing}, TITLE = {Brooks-type theorems for pair-list colorings and list homomorphisms}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-14}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {coloring, graph homomorphism, list coloring, brooks theorem, gallai configuration}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Tzanaki/08, AUTHOR = {Tzanaki, Eleni}, TITLE = {Faces of generalized cluster complexes and noncrossing partitions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {15-30}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {coxeter group, cluster complex}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/15/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Orrick/08, AUTHOR = {Orrick, William P.}, TITLE = {Switching operations for Hadamard matrices}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {31-50}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {hadamard equivalence, hadamard matrix, integer equivalence, smith normal form, hadamard code}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/31/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Maffray-Trotignon-Vuskovic/08, AUTHOR = {Maffray, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Trotignon, Nicolas and Vu{\v{s}}kovi{\'c}, Kristina}, TITLE = {Algorithms for square-3PC($\cdot, \cdot$)-free Berge graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {51-71}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {recognition algorithm, maximum weight clique algorithm, combinatorial algorithms, perfect graphs, star decomposition}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/51/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Broersma-Capponi-Paulusma/08, AUTHOR = {Broersma, Hajo J. and Capponi, Agostino and Paulusma, Dani{\"e}l}, TITLE = {A new algorithm for on-line coloring bipartite graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {72-91}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {on-line coloring, bipartite graph, (on-line) competitive}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/72/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dankelmann-Mukwembi-Swart/08, AUTHOR = {Dankelmann, Peter and Mukwembi, Simon and Swart, Henda C.}, TITLE = {Average distance and edge-connectivity I}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {92-101}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {distance, average distance, edge-connectivity}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/92/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Adler/08, AUTHOR = {Adler, Isolde}, TITLE = {Tree-related widths of graphs and hypergraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {102-123}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {hypergraphs, hypertree-width, hypergraph sandwich problem, tree-width, infinte hypergraphs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/102/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Calinescu-Dumitrescu-Pach/08, AUTHOR = {C{\u{a}}linescu, Gruia and Dumitrescu, Adrian and Pach, J{\'a}nos}, TITLE = {Reconfigurations in graphs and grids}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {124-138}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {reconfiguration algorithms, approximation algorithms, local ratio method, proper function, np-hardness}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/124/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dvorak-Skrekovski-Tancer/08, AUTHOR = {Dvo{\v{r}}{\'a}k, Zden{\v{e}}k and {\v{S}}krekovski, Riste and Tancer, Martin}, TITLE = {List-coloring squares of sparse subcubic graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {139-159}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {planar graphs, sparse graphs, square of a graph, list coloring, complexity, np-complete}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/139/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Feng-Mahmoud-Panholzer/08, AUTHOR = {Feng, Qunqiang and Mahmoud, Hosam M. and Panholzer, Alois}, TITLE = {Phase changes in subtree varieties in random recursive and binary search trees}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {160-184}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {random trees, recurrence, moments, riccati equation}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/160/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gerbner-Patkos/08, AUTHOR = {Gerbner, D{\'a}niel and Patk{\'o}s, Bal{\'a}zs}, TITLE = {$l$-chain profile vectors}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {185-193}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {profile vectors, $k$-sperner, intersecting, complement-free families}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/185/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Hefetz-Krivelevich-Stojakovic-Szabo/08, AUTHOR = {Hefetz, Dan and Krivelevich, Michael and Stojakovi{\'c}, Milo{\v{s}} and Szab{\'o}, Tibor}, TITLE = {Planarity, colorability, and minor games}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {194-212}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {combinatorial games, planar graph, graph coloring, graph minors}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/194/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kang/08, AUTHOR = {Kang, Jeong-Hyun}, TITLE = {$L(2,1)$-labeling of Hamiltonian graphs with maximum degree 3}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {213-230}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {$l(2, 1)$-labeling, chanel assignment, graph labeling, generalized coloring}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/213/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Havet-Sereni-Skrekovski/08, AUTHOR = {Havet, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Sereni, Jean-S{\'e}bastien and {\v{S}}krekovski, Riste}, TITLE = {3-facial coloring of plane graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {231-247}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {facial coloring, cyclic coloring, plane graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/231/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Wang-Zhang/08a, AUTHOR = {Wang, Jun and Zhang, Huajun}, TITLE = {Normalized matching property of restricted subspace lattices}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {248-255}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {poset, subspace lattice, sperner property, normalized matching property}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/248/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kashyap/08, AUTHOR = {Kashyap, Navin}, TITLE = {Matroid pathwidth and code trellis complexity}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {256-272}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {matroids, pathwidth, linear codes, trellis complexity, np-hard}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/256/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Moisio/08, AUTHOR = {Moisio, Marko}, TITLE = {On the duals of binary hyper-Kloosterman codes}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {273-287}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {exponential sum, fermat curve, hyper-kloosterman code, kloosterman sum, melas code, pless power moments, weight distribution}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/273/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Fan-Zhou/08, AUTHOR = {Fan, Genghua and Zhou, Chuixiang}, TITLE = {Ore condition and nowhere-zero 3-flows}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {288-294}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {ore condition, degree sum, nowhere-zero 3-flow}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/288/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Matousek-Privetivy/08, AUTHOR = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, Ji{\v{r}}{\'{i}} and P{\v{r}}{\'{i}}v{\v{e}}tiv{\'y}, Ale{\v{s}}}, TITLE = {Large monochromatic components in two-colored grids}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {295-311}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph coloring, hex lemma, algebraic topology in combinatorics, isoperimetric inequality}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/295/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Krokhin-Larose/08, AUTHOR = {Krokhin, Andrei and Larose, Benoit}, TITLE = {Maximizing supermodular functions on product lattices, with application to maximum constraint satisfaction}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {312-328}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {supermodular function, lattices, optimization, tractability, constraint satisfaction}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/312/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Sales-Maffray-Reed/08, AUTHOR = {Sales, Cl{\'a}udia Linhares and Maffray, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Reed, Bruce}, TITLE = {On planar quasi-parity graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {329-347}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {perfect graphs, even pairs, planar graphs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/329/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chang-Yao/08, AUTHOR = {Chang, Mei-Chu and Yao, Chui Zhi}, TITLE = {An explicit bound on double exponential sums related to Diffie-Hellman distributions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {348-359}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {diffiehellman triples, diffiehellman distributions, exponential sums}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/348/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Beimel-Tassa-Weinreb/08, AUTHOR = {Beimel, Amos and Tassa, Tamir and Weinreb, Enav}, TITLE = {Characterizing ideal weighted threshold secret sharing}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {360-397}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {ideal secret sharing, matroids, hierarchical access structures, tripartite access structures}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/360/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kostochka-Zhu/08, AUTHOR = {Kostochka, A.V. and Zhu, Xuding}, TITLE = {Adapted list coloring of graphs and hypergraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {398-408}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {adapted coloring, list coloring, degree conditions}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/398/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Lin-Szwarcfiter/08, AUTHOR = {Lin, Min Chih and Szwarcfiter, Jayme L.}, TITLE = {Unit circular-arc graph representations and feasible circulations}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {409-423}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {algorithm, circular-arc graph, circular-arc model, circulations, networks, proper circular-arc graph, unit circular-arc graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/409/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Akhtar-Jiang-Miller/08, AUTHOR = {Akhtar, Reza and Jiang, Tao and Miller, Zevi}, TITLE = {Asymptotic determination of edge-bandwidth of multidimensional grids and Hamming graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {425-449}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {bandwidth, edge-bandwidth, hamming graph, grid, boundary, isoperimetric problem}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/425/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Offner/08, AUTHOR = {Offner, David}, TITLE = {Polychromatic colorings of subcubes of the hypercube}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {450-454}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {coloring of graphs and hypergraphs, extremal problems, ramsey theory}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/450/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Mayhew/08, AUTHOR = {Mayhew, Dillon}, TITLE = {Matroid complexity and nonsuccinct descriptions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {455-466}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {matroids, complexity, isomorphism, matroid minors}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/455/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Rodl-Siggers/08, AUTHOR = {R{\"o}dl, V. and Siggers, M.}, TITLE = {On Ramsey minimal graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {467-488}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {ramsey-minimal, ramsey infinite, sender}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/467/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Korner-Malvenuto-Simonyi/08, AUTHOR = {K{\"o}rner, J{\'a}nos and Malvenuto, Claudia and Simonyi, G{\'a}bor}, TITLE = {Graph-different permutations}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {489-499}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {extremal combinatorics, shannon capacity of graphs, permutations}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/489/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Luo-Xu-Zang-Zhang/08, AUTHOR = {Luo, Rong and Xu, Rui and Zang, Wenan and Zhang, Cun-Quan}, TITLE = {Realizing degree sequences with graphs having nowhere-zero 3-flows}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {500-519}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {degree sequence, graph, integer flow, characterization}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/500/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chebolu-Frieze/08, AUTHOR = {Chebolu, Prasad and Frieze, Alan}, TITLE = {Hamilton cycles in random lifts of directed graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {520-540}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {digraph, random, lifts, hamilton cycle}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/520/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kral-Stehlik/08, AUTHOR = {Kr{\'a}l', Daniel and Stehl{\'{i}}k, Mat{\v{e}}j}, TITLE = {Coloring of triangle-free graphs on the double torus}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {541-553}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {triangle-free graphs, double torus, graphs on surfaces}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/541/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dorbec-Mollard-Klavzar-Spacapan/08, AUTHOR = {Dorbec, Paul and Mollard, Michel and Klav{\v{z}}ar, Sandi and {\v{S}}pacapan, Simon}, TITLE = {Power domination in product graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {554-567}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {domination, power domination, electric power monitoring, graph products, paths}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/554/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dvorak-Skrekovski-Valla/08, AUTHOR = {Dvo{\v{r}}{\'a}k, Z. and {\v{S}}krekovski, R. and Valla, T.}, TITLE = {Planar graphs of odd-girth at least 9 are homomorphic to the Petersen graph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {568-591}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {planar graphs, coloring, homomorphism, girth}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/568/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Butler-Hajiaghayi-Kleinberg-Leighton/08, AUTHOR = {Butler, Steve and Hajiaghayi, Mohammad T. and Kleinberg, Robert D. and Leighton, Tom}, TITLE = {Hat guessing games}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {592-605}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {hat game, deterministic strategies, sight graph, tutteberge formula, hypercube}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/592/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Corberan-Plana-Sanchis/08, AUTHOR = {Corber{\'a}n, Angel and Plana, Isaac and Sanchis, Jos{\'e} M.}, TITLE = {The windy general routing polyhedron: A global view of many known arc routing polyhedra}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {606-628}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {arc routing problems, windy general routing problem, polyhedra, facets}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/606/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ahal-Rabinovich/08, AUTHOR = {Ahal, Shlomo and Rabinovich, Yuri}, TITLE = {On complexity of the subpattern problem}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {629-649}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {permutation, forbidden pattern, recognition, treewidth}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/629/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Charpin-Kyureghyan/08, AUTHOR = {Charpin, Pascale and Kyureghyan, Gohar M.}, TITLE = {Cubic monomial bent functions: A subclass of $\mathcal{M}$}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {650-665}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {cubic bent function, monomial boolean function, permutation polynomial, maioranamcfarland family of bent functions}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/650/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Oum/08, AUTHOR = {Oum, Sang-il}, TITLE = {Rank-width and well-quasi-ordering}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {666-682}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {rank-width, clique-width, well-quasi-ordering, isotropic system, local complementation, pivoting, binary matroid, pivot-minor, vertex-minor}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/666/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Godsil-Newman/08a, AUTHOR = {Godsil, C.D. and Newman, M.W.}, TITLE = {Coloring an orthogonality graph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {683-692}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {orthogonality graph, graph coloring, maximum independent sets, ratio bound, quantum telepathy}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/683/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Feige-Ofek/08, AUTHOR = {Feige, Uriel and Ofek, Eran}, TITLE = {Finding a maximum independent set in a sparse random graph}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {693-718}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {average case, maximum independent set}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/693/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{McKay-Wanless/08, AUTHOR = {McKay, Brendan D. and Wanless, Ian M.}, TITLE = {A census of small Latin hypercubes}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {719-736}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {latin cube, latin hypercube, latin cuboid $n$-ary quasigroup, $n$-ary loop, identity elements, jacobsthal sequence, total loop, mds code}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/719/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Siersma-van_Manen/08, AUTHOR = {Siersma, D. and van Manen, M.}, TITLE = {The nine morse generic tetrahedra}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {737-746}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {morse theory, polyhedra, voronoi diagram, tetrahedral shape}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/737/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Diaz-Perez-Serna-Wormald/08, AUTHOR = {D{\'{i}}az, J. and P{\'e}rez, X. and Serna, M.J. and Wormald, N.C.}, TITLE = {Walkers on the cycle and the grid}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {747-775}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {mobile agents, ad hoc network, connectivity, distance graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/747/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Eisenstat-Gordon-Redlich/08, AUTHOR = {Eisenstat, David and Gordon, Gary and Redlich, Amanda}, TITLE = {Combinatorial properties of a rooted graph polynomial}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {776-785}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {expected rank, probabilistic graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/776/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Alon-Kaufman-Krivelevich-Ron/08, AUTHOR = {Alon, Noga and Kaufman, Tali and Krivelevich, Michael and Ron, Dana}, TITLE = {Testing triangle-freeness in general graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {786-819}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {property testing, triangle-freeness, subgraph-freeness, randomized algorithms, approximation algorithms, cayley graphs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/786/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Rabern/08, AUTHOR = {Rabern, Landon}, TITLE = {A note on Reed's conjecture}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {820-827}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph coloring, reed's conjecture, chromatic number}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/820/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Pinchasi/08a, AUTHOR = {Pinchasi, Rom}, TITLE = {The minimum number of distinct areas of triangles determined by a set of $n$ points in the plane}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {828-831}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {triangles, distinct areas, euler's formula}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/828/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gupta-van_den_Heuvel-Manuch-Stacho-Zhao/08, AUTHOR = {Gupta, Arvind and van den Heuvel, Jan and Ma{\v{n}}uch, J{\'a}n and Stacho, Ladislav and Zhao, Xiaohong}, TITLE = {On the complexity of ordered colorings}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {832-847}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph coloring, ordered coloring, directed graph homomorphism, complexity, np-completeness, polynomial algorithm}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/832/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Tuza/08, AUTHOR = {Tuza, Zsolt}, TITLE = {Hereditary domination in graphs: Characterization with forbidden induced subgraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {849-853}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {dominating set, forbidden induced subgraph, induced-hereditary property, leaf graph, structural domination}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/849/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Szabo/08a, AUTHOR = {Szab{\'o}, J{\'a}cint}, TITLE = {Matroid parity and jump systems: A solution to a conjecture of Recski}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {854-860}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {matroid parity, jump systems, rigidity}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/854/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kaiser-Skrekovski/08, AUTHOR = {Kaiser, Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} and {\v{S}}krekovski, Riste}, TITLE = {Cycles intersecting edge-cuts of prescribed sizes}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {861-874}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph, edge-cut, coverable set, dominating cycle}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/861/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Reading/08, AUTHOR = {Reading, Nathan}, TITLE = {Chains in the noncrossing partition lattice}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {875-886}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {absolute order, catalan number, chain enumeration, coxeter element, coxeter group, generalized cluster complex, noncrossing partition, parking function}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/875/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Balogh-Hartke-Liu-Yu/08, AUTHOR = {Balogh, J{\'o}zsef and Hartke, Stephen G. and Liu, Qi and Yu, Gexin}, TITLE = {On the first-fit chromatic number of graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {887-900}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {first-fit chromatic number, grundy number, grundy coloring, greedy coloring, random graph, planar graph, cartesian product}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/887/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Berstein-Lee-Maruri-Aguilar-Onn-Riccomagno-Weismantel-Wynn/08, AUTHOR = {Berstein, Yael and Lee, Jon and Maruri-Aguilar, Hugo and Onn, Shmuel and Riccomagno, Eva and Weismantel, Robert and Wynn, Henry}, TITLE = {Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {901-919}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {matroid, matroid intersection, binetcauchy identity, spanning tree, matching, exact matching, experimental design, aberration, algebraic statistics, learning, interpolation, regression, nonlinear discrete optimization, combinatorial optimization, integer programming}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/901/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Bonsma/08, AUTHOR = {Bonsma, Paul S.}, TITLE = {Spanning trees with many leaves in graphs with minimum degree three}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {920-937}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {spanning tree, max leaf, connected dominating set, extremal graph theory}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/920/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Brewster-Feder-Hell-Huang-MacGillivray/08, AUTHOR = {Brewster, Richard C. and Feder, Tomas and Hell, Pavol and Huang, Jing and MacGillivray, Gary}, TITLE = {Near-unanimity functions and varieties of reflexive graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {938-960}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph homomorphism, near unanimity function, homomorphism extension, retraction, dichotomy}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/938/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Thatte/08, AUTHOR = {Thatte, Bhalchandra D.}, TITLE = {Combinatorics of pedigrees I: Counterexamples to a reconstruction question}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {961-970}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {pedigrees, reconstruction}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/961/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Zhang-Lam-Shiu/08, AUTHOR = {Zhang, Heping and Lam, Peter Che Bor and Shiu, Wai Chee}, TITLE = {Resonance graphs and a binary coding for the 1-factors of benzenoid systems}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {971-984}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {1-factor, benzenoid system, distributive lattice, resonance graph, z-transformation graph, binary coding, median graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/971/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kirk-Wang/08, AUTHOR = {Kirk, Russell and Wang, Hua}, TITLE = {Largest number of subtrees of trees with a given maximum degree}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {985-995}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {tree, subtree, wiener index, maximum degree}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/985/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Griggs-Jin/08, AUTHOR = {Griggs, Jerrold R. and Jin, Xiaohua Teresa}, TITLE = {Real number channel assignments for lattices}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {996-1021}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {channel assignment, generalized graph coloring, planar lattice graphs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/996/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Bergeron-Chauve-de_Montgolfier-Raffinot/08, AUTHOR = {Bergeron, Anne and Chauve, Cedric and de Montgolfier, Fabien and Raffinot, Mathieu}, TITLE = {Computing common intervals of $K$ permutations, with applications to modular decomposition of graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1022-1039}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {common interval, permutation, $pq$-tree, modular decomposition}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1022/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Wang/08b, AUTHOR = {Wang, Susan S.}, TITLE = {Structure and coloring of graphs with only small odd cycles}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1040-1072}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {structural characterization of graphs, odd cycles, graph coloring, chromatic number, algorithms}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1040/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Armbruster-Helmberg-Fugenschuh-Martin/08, AUTHOR = {Armbruster, Michael and Helmberg, Christoph and F{\"u}genschuh, Marzena and Martin, Alexander}, TITLE = {On the graph bisection cut polytope}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1073-1098}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph partitioning, clustering, integer polyhedra}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1073/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chen-Xu/08, AUTHOR = {Chen, William Y.C. and Xu, Deheng}, TITLE = {Labeled partitions and the $q$-derangement numbers}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1099-1104}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {$q$-derangement number, major index, bijection, partitions, labeled partitions}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1099/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ishikawa-Kasraoui-Zeng/08, AUTHOR = {Ishikawa, Masao and Kasraoui, Anisse and Zeng, Jiang}, TITLE = {Euler-Mahonian statistics on ordered set partitions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1105-1137}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {ordered partitions, eulermahonian statistics, $q$-stirling numbers of the second kind, transfer-matrix method}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1105/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kaul-West/08, AUTHOR = {Kaul, Hemanshu and West, Douglas B.}, TITLE = {Long local searches for maximal bipartite subgraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1138-1144}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {large bipartite subgraph, max-cut problem, local switching, hill-climbing algorithm}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1138/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Solymosi-Swanepoel/08, AUTHOR = {Solymosi, J{\'o}zsef and Swanepoel, Konrad J.}, TITLE = {Elementary incidence theorems for complex numbers and quaternions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1145-1148}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {sylvestergallai theorem, complex affine plane, quaternionic affine plane, incidence geometry}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1145/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Balister-Bollobas-Gerke/08a, AUTHOR = {Balister, Paul and Bollob{\'a}s, B{\'e}la and Gerke, Stefanie}, TITLE = {Sequences with changing dependencies}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1149-1154}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {sequences, triangulations, commuting sets}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1149/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Timar/08, AUTHOR = {Tim{\'a}r, {\'A}d{\'a}m}, TITLE = {Split hypergraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1155-1163}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {split hypergraph, split graph, excluded induced subgraph, degree sequence, sparse and dense graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1155/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Chudnovsky-Kapadia/08, AUTHOR = {Chudnovsky, Maria and Kapadia, Rohan}, TITLE = {Detecting a theta or a prism}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1164-1186}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {induced subgraph, detection algorithm, theta, prism}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1164/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Toth/08, AUTHOR = {T{\'o}th, Csaba D.}, TITLE = {Axis-aligned subdivisions with low stabbing numbers}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1187-1204}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {stabbing number, transversal, subdivision, euclidean space}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1187/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Webb/08, AUTHOR = {Webb, K.P.}, TITLE = {The vector space over $GF(2)$ generated by the common bases of two binary matroids}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1205-1214}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {binary matroid, matroid intersection}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1205/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Ejov-Filar-Murray-Nguyen/08, AUTHOR = {Ejov, Vladimir and Filar, Jerzy A. and Murray, Walter and Nguyen, Giang T.}, TITLE = {Determinants and longest cycles of graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1215-1225}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {markov chains, hamiltonian cycle}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1215/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Beaudou-Gravier-Meslem/08, AUTHOR = {Beaudou, Laurent and Gravier, Sylvain and Meslem, Kahina}, TITLE = {Isometric embeddings of subdivided complete graphs in the hypercube}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1226-1238}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {isometric embedding, partial cube, subdivision of a graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1226/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gavoille-Paul/08, AUTHOR = {Gavoille, Cyril and Paul, Christophe}, TITLE = {Optimal distance labeling for interval graphs and related graph families}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1239-1258}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph representation, distance in graphs, distributed data-structure}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1239/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Corneil-Krueger/08, AUTHOR = {Corneil, Derek G. and Krueger, Richard M.}, TITLE = {A unified view of graph searching}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1259-1276}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph searching, graph traversal, depth-first search, breadth-first search, lexbfs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1259/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Bretscher-Corneil-Habib-Paul/08, AUTHOR = {Bretscher, Anna and Corneil, Derek and Habib, Michel and Paul, Christophe}, TITLE = {A simple linear time LexBFS cograph recognition algorithm}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1277-1296}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {graph algorithms, cograph recognition, linear time algorithms, lexbfs, $p_4$-free graphs, modular decomposition}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1277/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Arvind-Cheng-Devanur/08, AUTHOR = {Arvind, V. and Cheng, Christine T. and Devanur, Nikhil R.}, TITLE = {On computing the distinguishing numbers of planar graphs and beyond: A counting approach}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1297-1324}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {distinguishing numbers, distinguishing labelings, planar graphs, efficient counting algorithms}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1297/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Alon-Krivelevich-Sudakov/08, AUTHOR = {Alon, Noga and Krivelevich, Michael and Sudakov, Benny}, TITLE = {Large nearly regular induced subgraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1325-1337}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {induced subgraphs, regular subgraphs, ramsey-type problem}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1325/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Heden/08, AUTHOR = {Heden, Olof}, TITLE = {Perfect codes of length $n$ with kernels of dimension $n-\log(n+1)-3$}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1338-1350}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {perfect codes, tilings, phelps codes}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1338/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Balbuena/08, AUTHOR = {Balbuena, C.}, TITLE = {Incidence matrices of projective planes and of some regular bipartite graphs of girth 6 with few vertices}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1351-1363}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {incidence matrices, latin squares, projective plane, girth, cages}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1351/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{He-Zhang/08, AUTHOR = {He, Xin and Zhang, Huaming}, TITLE = {Nearly optimal visibility representations of plane graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1364-1380}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {plane graph, plane triangulation, visibility representation, $st$-orientation}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1364/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Bruhn-Yu/08, AUTHOR = {Bruhn, Henning and Yu, Xingxing}, TITLE = {Hamilton cycles in planar locally finite graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1381-1392}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {hamilton cycles, infinite graphs, tutte}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1381/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Blackburn-Etzion-Ng/08, AUTHOR = {Blackburn, Simon R. and Etzion, Tuvi and Ng, Siaw-Lynn}, TITLE = {Prolific codes with the identifiable parent property}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1393-1410}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {error-correcting codes, identifiable parent property, linear codes, mds codes, orthogonal arrays, copyright protection}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1393/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Iwata-Takazawa/08, AUTHOR = {Iwata, Satoru and Takazawa, Kenjiro}, TITLE = {The independent even factor problem}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1411-1427}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {matching, even factor, matroid intersection, polynomial-time algorithm}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1411/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Comellas-Dalfo-Fiol/08, AUTHOR = {Comellas, F. and Dalf{\'o}, C. and Fiol, M.A.}, TITLE = {Multidimensional Manhattan street networks}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1428-1447}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {manhattan street network, line digraph, cayley digraph, diameter, hamiltonian cycle}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1428/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Dvorak-Gregor/08, AUTHOR = {Dvo{\v{r}}{\'a}k, Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} and Gregor, Petr}, TITLE = {Partitions of faulty hypercubes into paths with prescribed endvertices}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1448-1461}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {path partition, hamiltonian cycle, hamiltonian path, hypercube, faulty vertex, fault tolerance, np-complete}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1448/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kowalik-Sereni-Skrekovski/08, AUTHOR = {Kowalik, {\L}ukasz and Sereni, Jean-S{\'e}bastien and {\v{S}}krekovski, Riste}, TITLE = {Total-coloring of plane graphs with maximum degree nine}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1462-1479}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {total-coloring, planar graph, discharging method}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1462/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Letchford-Reinelt-Theis/08, AUTHOR = {Letchford, Adam N. and Reinelt, Gerhard and Theis, Dirk Oliver}, TITLE = {Odd minimum cut sets and $b$-matchings revisited}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1480-1487}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {matching, polyhedra, separation}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1480/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Garin-Fagnani/08, AUTHOR = {Garin, Federica and Fagnani, Fabio}, TITLE = {Analysis of serial turbo codes over Abelian groups for symmetric channels}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1488-1526}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {serial interconnected codes, turbo codes, trellis-coded modulation, average error probability, codes over groups, effective distance}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1488/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Speyer/08, AUTHOR = {Speyer, David E.}, TITLE = {Tropical linear spaces}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1527-1558}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {tropical linear space, tropical geometry, matroid, valuated matroid, $f$-vector conjecture}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1527/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Kral-Skoda/08, AUTHOR = {Kr{\'a}l', Daniel and {\v{S}}koda, Petr}, TITLE = {Bounds for the real number graph labellings and application to labellings of the triangular lattice}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1559-1569}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {real number graph labelling, channel assignment problem, graph labelling with distance conditions}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1559/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Zhou-Nishizeki/08, AUTHOR = {Zhou, Xiao and Nishizeki, Takao}, TITLE = {Orthogonal drawings of series-parallel graphs with minimum bends}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1570-1604}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {orthogonal drawing, bend, series-parallel graph, planar graph}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1570/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Matousek-Privetivy-Skovron/08, AUTHOR = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, Ji{\v{r}}{\'{i}} and P{\v{r}}{\'{i}}v{\v{e}}tiv{\'y}, Ale{\v{s}} and {\v{S}}kovro{\v{n}}, Petr}, TITLE = {How many points can be reconstructed from $k$ projections?}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1605-1623}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {geometric tomography, discrete x-ray, cayley tree-matrix formula, probabilistic method, extremal graph theory}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1605/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Gutin-Rafiey-Yeo/08, AUTHOR = {Gutin, Gregory and Rafiey, Arash and Yeo, Anders}, TITLE = {Minimum cost homomorphisms to semicomplete bipartite digraphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1624-1639}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {homomorphisms, minimum cost homomorphisms, semicomplete bipartite digraphs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1624/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, } @article{Biha-Kerivin-Mahjoub/08, AUTHOR = {Biha, Mohamed Didi and Kerivin, Herv{\'e} and Mahjoub, A. Ridha}, TITLE = {On the polytope of the (1,2)-survivable network design problem}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Disc.~Math.}, VOLUME = {22}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1640-1666}, YEAR = {2008}, EDITOR = {Tetali, P.}, KEYWORDS = {survivable network, cut and partition inequalities, polytope, facet, series-parallel graphs}, URL = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJD/22/1640/1}, PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA}, }