@article{Ramachandran/88a, AUTHOR = {Ramachandran, Vijaya}, TITLE = {Finding a minimum feedback arc set in reducible flow graphs}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {299-313}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Golumbic-Hammer/88, AUTHOR = {Golumbic, Martin Charles and Hammer, Peter L.}, TITLE = {Stability in circular arc graphs}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {314-320}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Schaffer/88a, AUTHOR = {Sch{\"a}ffer, Alejandro A.}, TITLE = {A tighter upper bound on the worst case behavior of Conway's parallel sorting algorithm}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {321-342}, YEAR = {1988}, } @article{Greenberg/88, AUTHOR = {Greenberg, Harold}, TITLE = {Solution to a linear diophantine equation for nonnegative integers}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {343-353}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Kaminski-Kirkpatrick-Bshouty/88, AUTHOR = {Kaminski, Michael and Kirkpatrick, David G. and Bshouty, Nader H.}, TITLE = {Addition requirements for matrix and transposed matrix products}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {354-364}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Schonhage/88, AUTHOR = {Sch{\"o}nhage, A.}, TITLE = {Probabilistic computation of integer polynomial GCDs}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {365-371}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Overmars-Wood/88, AUTHOR = {Overmars, Mark H. and Wood, Derick}, TITLE = {On rectangular visibility}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {372-390}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Ronyai/88, AUTHOR = {R{\'o}nyai, Lajos}, TITLE = {Factoring polynomials over finite fields}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {391-400}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Cheng-Hwang/88, AUTHOR = {Cheng, Ying and Hwang, Frank K.}, TITLE = {Diameters of weighted double loop networks}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {401-410}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Gabow-Tarjan/88b, AUTHOR = {Gabow, Harold N. and Tarjan, Robert E.}, TITLE = {Algorithms for two bottleneck optimization problems}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {411-417}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Wilber/88, AUTHOR = {Wilber, Robert}, TITLE = {The concave least-weight subsequence problem revisited}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {418-425}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Johnson/88, AUTHOR = {Johnson, David S.}, TITLE = {The $NP$-completeness column: An ongoing guide}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {426-444}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Bhattacharya-Zorbas/88, AUTHOR = {Bhattacharya, B.K. and Zorbas, J.}, TITLE = {Solving the two-dimensional findpath problem using a line-triangle representation of the robot}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {449-469}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Levy-Low/88, AUTHOR = {Levy, Hanoch and Low, David W.}, TITLE = {A contraction algorithm for finding small cycle cutsets}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {470-493}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Ronyai/88a, AUTHOR = {R{\'o}nyai, Lajos}, TITLE = {Zero divisors in quaternion algebras}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {494-506}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Cheriyan-Maheshwari/88, AUTHOR = {Cheriyan, J. and Maheshwari, S.N.}, TITLE = {Finding nonseparating induced cycles and independent spanning trees in 3-connected graphs}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {507-537}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Althofer/88, AUTHOR = {Alth{\"o}fer, Ingo}, TITLE = {On the complexity of searching game trees and other recursion trees}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {538-567}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Bar-Yehuda-Kutten/88, AUTHOR = {Bar-Yehuda, Reuven and Kutten, Shay}, TITLE = {Fault tolerant distributed majority commitment}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {568-582}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Maimon/88, AUTHOR = {Maimon, Oded}, TITLE = {An algorithm for the Lorenz measure in locational decisions on trees}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {583-596}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, } @article{Olariu-Toida-Zubair/88, AUTHOR = {Olariu, S. and Toida, S. and Zubair, M.}, TITLE = {On a conjecture by Plaisted and Hong}, JOURNAL = {J. Algorithms}, VOLUME = {9}, PAGES = {597-598}, YEAR = {1988}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco}, }