@article{Eiter-Gottlob/95, AUTHOR = {Eiter, Thomas and Gottlob, Georg}, TITLE = {The complexity of logic-based abduction}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {3-42}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {abduction, complexity analysis, diagnosis, reasoning, propositional logic}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Nebel-Burckert/95, AUTHOR = {Nebel, Bernhard and B{\"u}rckert, Hans-J{\"u}rgen}, TITLE = {Reasoning about temporal relations: A maximal tractable subclass of Allen's interval algebra}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {43-66}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {constraint satisfaction, interval algebra, qualitative reasoning, temporal reasoning}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Callahan-Kosaraju/95, AUTHOR = {Callahan, Paul B. and Kosaraju, S. Rao}, TITLE = {A decomposition of multidimensional point sets with applications to $k$-nearest-neighbors and $n$-body potential fields}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {67-90}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {all nearest neighbors, fast multipole method}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Chien-Kim/95, AUTHOR = {Chien, Andrew A. and Kim, Jae H.}, TITLE = {Planar-adaptive routing: Low-cost adaptive networks for multiprocessors}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {91-123}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {adaptive routing, fault tolerance, interconnection networks, multicomputers, packet routing, parallel processing, transmission-order preservation}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Attiya-Bar-Noy-Dolev/95, AUTHOR = {Attiya, Hagit and Bar-Noy, Amotz and Dolev, Danny}, TITLE = {Sharing memory robustly in message-passing systems}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {124-142}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {atomic registers, emulation, fault-tolerance, message passing, processor and link failures, shared memory, wait-freedom}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Dolev-Halpern-Simons-Strong/95, AUTHOR = {Dolev, Danny and Halpern, Joseph Y. and Simons, Barbara and Strong, Ray}, TITLE = {Dynamic fault-tolerant clock synchronization}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {143-185}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {Byzantine failures, clock synchronization, fault-tolerance, time-of-day clock}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Haldar-Vidyasankar/95a, AUTHOR = {Haldar, S. and Vidyasankar, K.}, TITLE = {Constructing 1-writer multireader multivalued atomic variables from regular variables}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {186-203}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {nonatomic operation execution, reader and writer, shared-variable safe, regular and atomic, wait-freedom}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Chang-Nelson/95, AUTHOR = {Chang, C.S. and Nelson, R.}, TITLE = {Bounds on the speedup and efficiency of partial synchronization in parallel processing systems}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {204-231}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {large deviations theory, synchronization}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Bloom-Istrail-Meyer/95, AUTHOR = {Bloom, Bard and Istrail, Sorin and Meyer, Albert R.}, TITLE = {Bisimulation can't be traced}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {232-268}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {bisimulation, structural operational semantics, process algebra, CCS}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Blum-Kannan/95, AUTHOR = {Blum, Manuel and Kannan, Sampath}, TITLE = {Designing programs that check their work}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {269-291}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {interactive proofs, probabilistic algorithms, program checking, program verification, testing}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Lin-Shoham/95, AUTHOR = {Lin, Fangzhen and Shoham, Yoav}, TITLE = {Provably correct theories of action}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {293-320}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {concurrent actions, the frame problem, reasoning about actions, temporal reasoning}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Karger-Klein-Tarjan/95, AUTHOR = {Karger, David R. and Klein, Philip N. and Tarjan, Robert E.}, TITLE = {A randomized linear-time algorithm to find minimum spanning trees}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {321-328}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {matroid, minimum spanning tree, network, randomized algorithm}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Wang-Zhang-Chau/95, AUTHOR = {Wang, Ke and Zhang, Weining and Chau, Siu-Cheung}, TITLE = {Decomposition of magic rewriting}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {329-381}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {arity reduction, bottom-up evaluation, database, deductive database, logic program, magic rewriting, program decomposition}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Tsitsiklis-Stamoulis/95, AUTHOR = {Tsitsiklis, John N. and Stamoulis, George D.}, TITLE = {On the average communication complexity of asynchronous distributed algorithms}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {382-400}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {asynchronous distributed algorithms}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Kurtz-Mahaney-Royer/95, AUTHOR = {Kurtz, Stuart A. and Mahaney, Stephen R. and Royer, James S.}, TITLE = {The isomorphism conjecture fails relative to a random oracle}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {401-420}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {isomorphism, conjecture, randomness}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Gottlob/95, AUTHOR = {Gottlob, Georg}, TITLE = {NP trees and Carnap's modal logic}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {421-457}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {autoepistemic logic, bounded query computation, epistemic logic, modal logic, NP, oracle, trees}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{de_Nicola-Vaandrager/95, AUTHOR = {de Nicola, Rocco and Vaandrager, Frits}, TITLE = {Three logics for branching bisimulation}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {458-487}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {backward modalities, branching bisimulation, equivalence, concurrency, CTL*, doubly labeled transition systems, Hennessy-Milner logic, Kripke structures, labeled transition systems, reactive systems, semantics, stuttering equivalence, until operations}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Clarkson/95, AUTHOR = {Clarkson, Kenneth L.}, TITLE = {Las Vegas algorithms for linear and integer programming when the dimension is small}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {488-499}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Berger-Brady-Brown-Leighton/95, AUTHOR = {Berger, Bonnie and Brady, Martin and Brown, Donna and Leighton, Tom}, TITLE = {Nearly optimal algorithms and bounds for multilayer channel routing}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {500-542}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {channel routing, multilayer routing, VLSI layout}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Choudhury-Leung-Whitt/95, AUTHOR = {Choudhury, Gagan L. and Leung, Kin K. and Whitt, Ward}, TITLE = {Calculating normalization constants of closed queuing networks by numerically inverting their generating functions}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {935-970}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {closed queuing networks, dimension reduction, Euler summation, generating function, normalization constant, numerical transform inversion, partition function, performance analysis, production-form model, scaling}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Koutsoupias-Papadimitriou/95, AUTHOR = {Koutsoupias, Elias and Papadimitriou, Christos H.}, TITLE = {On the $k$-server conjecture}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {971-983}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {competitive analysis, $k$-server problem, on-line algorithms, potential, quasiconvexity, work function}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Verma/95, AUTHOR = {Verma, Rakesh M.}, TITLE = {A theory of using history for equational systems with applications}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {984-1020}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {congruence-closure algorithm, equational logic, rewrite systems, rewrite system transformation, proof theory, term rewriting}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Awerbuch-Peleg/95, AUTHOR = {Awerbuch, Baruch and Peleg, David}, TITLE = {Online tracking of mobile users}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {1021-1058}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {bounded packet header, bounded protocol, ideal transmission cost, lookahead, non-FIFO channels, receiver-driven protocol, recoverable protocol, recovery cost, sequence transmission problem}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Tempero-Ladner/95, AUTHOR = {Tempero, Ewan D. and Ladner, Richard E.}, TITLE = {Recoverable sequence transmission protocols}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {1059-1090}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {non-FIFO, protocol, sequence transmission}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Kahale/95, AUTHOR = {Kahale, Nabil}, TITLE = {Eigenvalues and expansion of regular graphs}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {1091-1106}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {eigenvalues, expander graphs, induced subgraphs, load balancing, Ramanujan graphs, random walks, selection networks}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Conforti-Cornuejols/95, AUTHOR = {Conforti, Michele and Cornu{\'e}jols, G{\'e}rard}, TITLE = {A class of logic problems solvable by linear programming}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {1107-1113}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {balanced matrices, linear programming, propositional logic}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Goemans-Williamson/95a, AUTHOR = {Goemans, Michel X. and Williamson, David P.}, TITLE = {Improved approximation algorithms for maximum cut and satisfiability problems using semidefinite programming}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1115-1145}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {approximation algorithms, convex optimization, randomized algorithms, satisfiability}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Freivalds-Kinber-Smith/95a, AUTHOR = {Freivalds, R{\=u}si{\c{n}}{\u{s}} and Kinber, Efim and Smith, Carl H.}, TITLE = {On the impact of forgetting on learning machines}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1146-1168}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {machine learning, memory limited learning, inductive inference, Kolmogorov complexity, probabilistic automata, pumping lemma, recursion theorem}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Boyar-Brassard-Peralta/95, AUTHOR = {Boyar, Joan and Brassard, Gilles and Peralta, Ren{\'e}}, TITLE = {Subquadratic zero-knowledge}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1169-1193}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {algorithms, security, theory, bit commitment, circuit evaluation, communication complexity, interactive proofs, matrix multiplication, non-averaging sets, probabilistic algorithms, proof systems, randomness, zero knowledge}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Bergstra-Tucker/95, AUTHOR = {Bergstra, J.A. and Tucker, J.V.}, TITLE = {Equational specifications, complete term rewriting systems, and computable and semicomputable algebras}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1194-1230}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {languages, theory, abstract data types, complete term rewriting systems, computable and semicomputable algebras, equational specifications with hidden functions, many sorted algebras, term rewriting systems}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Afek-Greenberg-Merritt-Taubenfeld/95, AUTHOR = {Afek, Yehuda and Greenberg, David S. and Merritt, Michael and Taubenfeld, Gadi}, TITLE = {Computing with faulty shared objects}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1231-1274}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {algorithms, fault-tolerance, shared memory, synchronization, atomic operations}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, } @article{Toyama-Klop-Barendregt/95, AUTHOR = {Toyama, Y. and Klop, J.W. and Barendregt, H.P.}, TITLE = {Termination for direct sums of left-linear complete term rewriting systems}, JOURNAL = {J. ACM}, VOLUME = {42}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1275-1304}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {theory, confluence, left-linearity, term rewriting systems}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, }