@article{Baeza-Yates-Poblete/95, AUTHOR = {Baeza-Yates, Ricardo A. and Poblete, Patricio V.}, TITLE = {Higher-order analysis of 2-3 trees}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-10}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Musikaev-Taitslin/95, AUTHOR = {Musikaev, Ilmir Kh. and Taitslin, Mikhail A.}, TITLE = {Flat backtracking PROLOG for databases: A formal semantics, the computational complexity and the expressibility}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {11-26}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Hintikka-Sandu/95, AUTHOR = {Hintikka, Jaakko and Sandu, Gabriel}, TITLE = {What is the logic of parallel processing?}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {27-49}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Monserrat-Rossello-Torrens/95, AUTHOR = {Monserrat, M. and Rossell{\'{o}}, F. and Torrens, J.}, TITLE = {When is a category of many-sorted partial algebras Cartesian-closed?}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {51-66}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Haralambides-Tragoudas/95, AUTHOR = {Haralambides, James and Tragoudas, Spyros}, TITLE = {Bipartitioning into overlapping sets}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {67-88}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Jain/95a, AUTHOR = {Jain, Sanjay}, TITLE = {An infinite class of functions identifiable using minimal programs in all Kolmogorov numberings}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {89-94}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Bloom-Esik/95, AUTHOR = {Bloom, Stephen L. and {\'{E}}sik, Zolt{\'{a}}n}, TITLE = {Some equational laws of initiality in 2CCC'S}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {95-118}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Besnard-Kohlas/95, AUTHOR = {Besnard, Philippe and Kohlas, J{\"u}rg}, TITLE = {Evidence theory based on general consequence relations}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {119-135}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Arvind-Kobler-Schuler/95, AUTHOR = {Arvind, V. and K{\"o}bler, J. and Schuler, R.}, TITLE = {On helping and interactive proof systems}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {137-153}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Clementi-Ianni/95, AUTHOR = {Clementi, Andrea and Ianni, Miriam di}, TITLE = {Optimum schedule problems in store and forward networks}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {155-168}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Peng-Iyer/95, AUTHOR = {Peng, Wuxu and Iyer, S. Purushothaman}, TITLE = {A new type of pushdown automata on infinite trees}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {169-186}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Hayashi-Kobayashi/95, AUTHOR = {Hayashi, Susumu and Kobayashi, Satoshi}, TITLE = {A new formalization of Feferman's system of functions and classes and its relation to Frege structure}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {187-202}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Kemeyama/95, AUTHOR = {Kemeyama, Yukiyoshi}, TITLE = {A type-free theory of half-monotone inductive definitions}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {203-234}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Smith/95c, AUTHOR = {Smith, Scott F.}, TITLE = {Hybrid partial-total type theory}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {235-263}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Mason-Talcott/95, AUTHOR = {Mason, Ian and Talcott, Carolyn}, TITLE = {Reasoning about object systems in VTLoE}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {265-298}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Beeson/95, AUTHOR = {Beeson, Michael}, TITLE = {Using nonstandard analysis to ensure the corrrectness of symbolic computations}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {299-338}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Szwast/95, AUTHOR = {Szwast, Wies{\l}aw}, TITLE = {A note on the asymptotic probabilities of existential second-order minimal G{\"o}del sentences with equality}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {339-351}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Castellani/95, AUTHOR = {Castellani, Ilaria}, TITLE = {Observing distribution in processes: Static and dynamic localities}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {353-393}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Dubacq/95, AUTHOR = {Dubacq, Jean-Christopher}, TITLE = {How to simulate Turing machines by invertible one-dimensional cellular automata}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {395-402}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Hemaspaandra-Hoene-Naik-Ogihara-Selman-Thierauf-Wang/95, AUTHOR = {Hemaspaandra, Lane A. and Hoene, Albrecht and Naik, Ashish V. and Ogihara, Mitsunori and Selman, Alan L. and Thierauf, Thomas and Wang, Jie}, TITLE = {Nondeterministically selective sets}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {403-416}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Raja-Shyamasundar/95, AUTHOR = {Raja, N. and Shyamasundar, R.K.}, TITLE = {The Quine-Bernays combinatory calculus}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {417-430}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, } @article{Slobodova/95, AUTHOR = {Slobodov{\'{a}}, Anna}, TITLE = {On the power of one-way globally deterministic synchronized alternating Turing machines and multihead automata}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {431-446}, YEAR = {1995}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Co.}, ADDRESS = {Singapore-New Jersey-London-Hong Kong-Bangalore}, }