@article{Nanongkai/13, AUTHOR = {Nanongkai, Danupon}, TITLE = {Simple FPTAS for the subset-sums ratio problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {19-21}, PAGES = {750-753}, YEAR = {2013}, EDITOR = {Tarlecki, A.}, KEYWORDS = {fptas, approximation algorithms, subset sums}, URL = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020019013001981}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-Boston-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-Philadelphia-San Diego-St. Louis}, } @article{Romani/81, AUTHOR = {Romani, Francesco}, TITLE = {Author's reply to S. Moran's note on the shortest path problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {87}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, NOTE = {see Moran's note in Inf.~Process.~Lett. 13, 85-86}, } @article{Watanabe/81, AUTHOR = {Watanabe, Osamu}, TITLE = {A fast algorithm for finding all shortest paths}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {1-3}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Senizergues/81, AUTHOR = {Senizergues, G.}, TITLE = {A new class of C.F.L. for which the equivalence is decidable}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {30-34}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Vitter/81a, AUTHOR = {Vitter, Jeffrey Scott}, TITLE = {A shared-memory scheme for coalesced hashing}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {77-79}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Papadimitriou-Yannakakis/81b, AUTHOR = {Papadimitriou, C.H. and Yannakakis, M.}, TITLE = {The clique problem for planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {131-133}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Lab. for Computer Sci., MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Barth/81, AUTHOR = {Barth, G.}, TITLE = {An alternative for the implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {134-137}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Computer Sci. Dept., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Davis-Rinaldi-Trebilcock/81, AUTHOR = {Davis, R.H. and Rinaldi, C. and Trebilcock, C.J.}, TITLE = {Data compression in limited capacity microcomputer systems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {138-141}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Computer Sci., Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, Scotland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Rytter/81a, AUTHOR = {Rytter, W.}, TITLE = {Time complexity of languages recognized by one-way multihead pushdown automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {142-144}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. of Informatics, Warsaw Univ., Warzawa, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Rytter/81, AUTHOR = {Rytter, W.}, TITLE = {A hardest language recognized by two-way nondeterministic pushdown automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {145-146}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. of Informatics, Warsaw Univ., Warszawa, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Sabelfeld/81, AUTHOR = {Sabelfeld, V.K.}, TITLE = {Tree equivalence of linear recursive schemata is polynomial-time decidable}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {147-153}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Computing Center, Novosibirsk, USSR}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Goodman-Shmueli/81, AUTHOR = {Goodman, Nathan and Shmueli, Oded}, TITLE = {Limitations of the chase}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {154-156}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Bertossi/81, AUTHOR = {Bertossi, A.}, TITLE = {The edge Hamiltonian path problem is $NP$-complete}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {157-159}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Italsiel Spa, Roma, Italy}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Siklossy/81, AUTHOR = {Sikl{\'o}ssy, L.}, TITLE = {Efficient query evaluation in relational data bases with missing values}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {160-163}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Bell Labs., Naperville, IL, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Blum-Karp-Vornberger-Papadimitriou-Yannakakis/81, AUTHOR = {Blum, M. and Karp, R.M. and Vornberger, O. and Papadimitriou, C.H. and Yannakakis, M.}, TITLE = {The complexity of testing whether a graph is a superconcentrator}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {164-167}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Schwartz/81, AUTHOR = {Schwartz, Jacob T.}, TITLE = {Finding the minimum distance between two convex polygons}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {168-170}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Ancona-Gianuzzi/81, AUTHOR = {Ancona, M. and Gianuzzi, V.}, TITLE = {A new method for implementing LR(k) tables}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {171-176}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. Per La Matematica Applicata, CNR, Genova, Italy}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Edelsbrunner-Maurer/81, AUTHOR = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Maurer, H.A.}, TITLE = {On the intersection of orthogonal objects}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {177-181}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. f{\"u}r Informationsverarbeitung, Tech. Univ. Graz, Graz, Austria}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Nakamura-Aizawa/81a, AUTHOR = {Nakamura, A. and Aizawa, K.}, TITLE = {Acceptors for isometric parallel context-free array languages}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {182-186}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Appl. Math., Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima, Japan}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Williams/81, AUTHOR = {Williams, M.H.}, TITLE = {A systematic test for extended operator precedence}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {187-190}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Computer Sci., Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, Scotland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Yasuura/81, AUTHOR = {Yasuura, H.}, TITLE = {Width and depth of combinational logic circuits}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {191-194}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Information Sci., Kyoto Univ., Kyoto, Japan}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Freivalds/81, AUTHOR = {Freivalds, R{\=u}si{\c{n}}{\u{s}}}, TITLE = {Projections of languages recognizable by probabilistic and alternating finite multitape automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {195-198}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Arora-Sharma/81, AUTHOR = {Arora, P.K. and Sharma, N.K.}, TITLE = {Guarded procedure: a distributed programming concept}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {199-203}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Computer Centre, Indian Inst. of Technol., New Delhi, India}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Guida-Somalvico/81, AUTHOR = {Guida, G. and Somalvico, M.}, TITLE = {Multi-problem-solving: knowledge representation and system architecture}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {204-214}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Istituto di Elettrotecnica Ed Elettronica, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Warren-Fox-Markstein/81, AUTHOR = {Warren, Henry S., Jr. and Fox, A. Shawhan and Markstein, Peter W.}, TITLE = {Modulus division on a two's complement machine}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, PAGES = {215-217}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Troya-Vaquero/81, AUTHOR = {Troya, J.M. and Vaquero, A.}, TITLE = {An approximation algorithm for reducing expected head movement in linear storage devices}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4-5}, PAGES = {218-220}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Informatica Y Automatica, Univ. Complutense, Madrid, Spain}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Pansiot/81a, AUTHOR = {Pansiot, J.J.}, TITLE = {A note on Post's correspondence problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {12}, PAGES = {233}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{de_Luca/81, AUTHOR = {de Luca, Aldo}, TITLE = {A combinatorial property of the Fibonacci words}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {12}, PAGES = {193-195}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Rytter/81c, AUTHOR = {Rytter, Wojciech}, TITLE = {An effective simulation of deterministic pushdown automata with many two-way and one-way heads}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {12}, PAGES = {234-236}, YEAR = {1981}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, }