@article{Kapur-Krishnamoorthy-Pujari-Gupta/87, AUTHOR = {Kapur, D. and Krishnamoorthy, M.S. and Pujari, A.K. and Gupta, S.}, TITLE = {Comment on 'Worst-case choice for the stable marriage problem'}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {139}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Sch. of Math. \& Comput./Inf. Sci., Hyderabad Univ., India}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Alexandrakis-Bozapalidis/87, AUTHOR = {Alexandrakis, A. and Bozapalidis, S.}, TITLE = {Weighted grammars and Kleene's theorem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-4}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math., Aristotle Univ., Thessaloniki, Greece}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Kurtz-ODonnel-Royer/87, AUTHOR = {Kurtz, S.A. and O'Donnel, M.J. and Royer, J.S.}, TITLE = {How to prove representation-independent independence results}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {5-10}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Chicago Univ., IL, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Feijen-Gasteren-Gries/87, AUTHOR = {Feijen, W.H.J. and Gasteren, A.J.M. van and Gries, D.}, TITLE = {In-situ inversion of a cyclic permutation}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {11-14}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math. \& Comput. Sci., Univ. of Technol., Eindhoven, Netherlands}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Kim-Chwa/87, AUTHOR = {Kim, T. and Chwa, K.Y.}, TITLE = {An $O(n\log n \log\log n)$ parallel maximum matching algorithm for bipartite graphs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {15-17}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. \& Technol., Seoul, Korea}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hochschild/87, AUTHOR = {Hochschild, P.}, TITLE = {Multiple cuts, input repetition, an VLSI complexity}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {19-24}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stanford Univ., CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Finkel-Madduri/87, AUTHOR = {Finkel, R. and Madduri, H.H.}, TITLE = {An efficient deadlock avoidance algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {25-30}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Wisconsin Univ., Madison, WI, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Sassa-Ishizuka-Nakata/87, AUTHOR = {Sassa, M. and Ishizuka, H. and Nakata, I.}, TITLE = {ECLR-attributed grammars: a practical class of LR-attributed grammars}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {31-41}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Tsukuba Univ., Ibaraki, Japan}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Bernstein/87b, AUTHOR = {Bernstein, A.J.}, TITLE = {Predicate transfer and timeout in message passing systems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {43-52}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Bird-Hughes/87, AUTHOR = {Bird, R.S. and Hughes, J.}, TITLE = {The alpha-beta algorithm: an exercise in program transformation}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {53-57}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Oxford Univ. Comput. Lab., England}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Yuba-Hoshi/87, AUTHOR = {Yuba, T. and Hoshi, M.}, TITLE = {Binary search networks: a new method for key searching}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {59-65}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Electrotech. Lab., Ibaraki, Japan}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Arvind-Biswas/87b, AUTHOR = {Arvind, V. and Biswas, S.}, TITLE = {An $O(n^2)$ algorithm for the satisfiability problem of a subset of propositional sentences in CNF that includes all Horn sentences}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {67-69}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci. \& Eng., Indian Inst. of Technol., Kanpur, India}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Slusarek/87, AUTHOR = {{\'S}lusarek, M.}, TITLE = {An off-line storage allocation algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {71-75}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Emerson/87, AUTHOR = {Emerson, E.A.}, TITLE = {Uniform inevitability is tree automaton ineffable}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {77-79}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Texas Univ., Austin, TX, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Grazon/87, AUTHOR = {Grazon, A.}, TITLE = {An infinite word language which is not co-CFL}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {81-85}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. d'Inf. et Math. Appliquees, Centre Univ. d'Avignon, France}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Wolfson/87a, AUTHOR = {Wolfson, O.}, TITLE = {Concurrent execution of transaction copies}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {87-93}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Technion-Israel Inst. of Technol., Haifa, Israel}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Field/87, AUTHOR = {Field, D.}, TITLE = {A note on a new data structure for in-the-past queries}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {95-96}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Waterloo Univ., Ont., Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Rey-Ward/87, AUTHOR = {Rey, C. and Ward, R.}, TITLE = {On determining the on-line minimax linear fit to a discrete point set in the plane}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {97-101}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Electr. Eng., British Columbia Univ., Vancouver, BC, Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Korel/87, AUTHOR = {Korel, B.}, TITLE = {The program dependence graph in static program testing}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {103-108}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Sch. of Eng. \& Comput. Sci., Oakland Univ., Rochester, MI, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Gottlob/87a, AUTHOR = {Gottlob, G.}, TITLE = {Subsumption and implication}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {109-111}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stanford Univ., CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Sassa-Nakata/87, AUTHOR = {Sassa, M. and Nakata, I.}, TITLE = {A simple realization of LR-parsers for regular right part grammars}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {113-120}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. of Inf. Sci. \& Electron., Tsukuba Univ., Ibaraki, Japan}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Anderson-Mayr/87, AUTHOR = {Anderson, Richard and Mayr, Ernst W.}, TITLE = {Parallelism and the maximal path problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {121-126}, YEAR = {1987, January}, KEYWORDS = {computational complexity, parallel algorithms, maximal path problem, P-completeness}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stanford Univ., CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hoare-He/87, AUTHOR = {Hoare, C.A.R. and He, Jifeng}, TITLE = {The weakest prespecification}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {127-132}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Comput. Lab., Oxford Univ., England}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Yannakakis-Gavril/87, AUTHOR = {Yannakakis, Mihalis and Gavril, F{\v{a}}nic{\v{a}}}, TITLE = {The maximum $k$-colorable subgraph problem for chordal graphs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {133-137}, YEAR = {1987, January}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {AT\&T Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Kubale/87, AUTHOR = {Kubale, M.}, TITLE = {The complexity of scheduling independent two-processor tasks on dedicated processors}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {141-147}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. of Inf., Tech. Univ. of Gdansk, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Krentel/87, AUTHOR = {Krentel, M.W.}, TITLE = {A note on the transaction backout problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {149-152}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Anstee/87, AUTHOR = {Anstee, R.P.}, TITLE = {A polynomial algorithm for b-matchings: an alternative approach}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {153-157}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math., British Columbia Univ., Vancouver, BC, Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Roussille-Dufour/87, AUTHOR = {Roussille, M. and Dufour, P.}, TITLE = {Generation of convex polygons with individual angular constraints}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {159-164}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Fac. des Sci., Univ. de l'Etat, Mons, Belgium}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{McColl-Paterson/87, AUTHOR = {McColl, W.F. and Paterson, M.S.}, TITLE = {The planar realization of Boolean functions}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {165-170}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Programming Res. Group, Oxford Univ., England}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Huynh/87, AUTHOR = {Huynh, D.T.}, TITLE = {On solving hard problems by polynomial-size circuits}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {171-176}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Grune/87, AUTHOR = {Grune, D.}, TITLE = {How to compare the incomparable}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {177-181}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math. \& Comput. Sci., Free Univ., Amsterdam, Netherlands}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Castan-Durand-Lemaitre/87, AUTHOR = {Castan, M. and Durand, M.-H. and Lema{\^i}tre, M.}, TITLE = {A set of combinators for abstraction in linear space}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {183-188}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. d'Etudes et de Recherches en Inf., ONERA-CERT, Toulouse, France}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{van_Leijenhorst-Weide/87, AUTHOR = {van Leijenhorst, D.C. and Weide, T.P. van der}, TITLE = {On a recursion connected with tree balancing algorithms}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {189-192}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Fac. of Math. \& Natural Sci., Catholic Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Akman/87, AUTHOR = {Akman, V.}, TITLE = {An algorithm for determining an opaque minimal forest of a convex polygon}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {193-198}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Utrecht Univ., Netherlands}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Raynal/87, AUTHOR = {Raynal, M.}, TITLE = {A distributed algorithm to prevent mutual drift between $n$ logical clocks}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {199-202}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {IRISA, Rennes I Univ., France}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Pitt/87, AUTHOR = {Pitt, L.}, TITLE = {A note on extending Knuth's tree estimator to directed acyclic graphs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {203-206}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Aiken Comput. Lab., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Evans-Yousif/87, AUTHOR = {Evans, D.J. and Yousif, W.S.}, TITLE = {Explicit solution of block tridiagonal systems of linear equations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {207-209}, YEAR = {1987, February}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Studies, Loughborough Univ. of Technol., England}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{van_de_Snepscheut/87, AUTHOR = {van de Snepscheut, J.L.A.}, TITLE = {'Algorithms for on-the-fly garbage collection' revisited}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {211-216}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math. \& Comput. Sci., Groningen Univ., Netherlands}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Pawagi-Gopalakrishnan-Ramakrishnan/87, AUTHOR = {Pawagi, S.R. and Gopalakrishnan, P.S. and Ramakrishnan, I.V.}, TITLE = {Computing dominators in parallel}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {217-221}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, NOTE = {see Corrigendum in Inf.~Process.~Lett. 25, 417}, } @article{van_Leijenhorst/87, AUTHOR = {van Leijenhorst, D.C.}, TITLE = {A note on the formula size of the ``mod $k$'' functions}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {223-224}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math., Catholic Univ. of Nijmegen, Netherlands}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Zubair-Madan/87, AUTHOR = {Zubair, M. and Madan, B.B.}, TITLE = {Time efficient systolic architecture for matrix*vector multiplication}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {225-231}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Centre for Appl. Res. in Electron., Indian Inst. of Technol., New Delhi, India}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Bini-Pan/87, AUTHOR = {Bini, D. and Pan, V.Y.}, TITLE = {A logarithmic Boolean time algorithm for parallel polynomial division}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {233-237}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math., Pisa Univ., Italy}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Edenbrandt/87, AUTHOR = {Edenbrandt, Anders}, TITLE = {Chordal graph recognition is in $NC$}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, PAGES = {239-241}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math. and Comput. Sci., Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, NH, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Ramanan/87, AUTHOR = {Ramanan, P.}, TITLE = {Obtaining lower bounds using artificial components (fixed order algebraic decision tree model)}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {243-246}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., California Univ., Santa Barbara, CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Carlsson/87a, AUTHOR = {Carlsson, S.}, TITLE = {A variant of heapsort with almost optimal number of comparisons}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {247-250}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Lund Univ., Sweden}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Golumbic/87, AUTHOR = {Golumbic, M.C.}, TITLE = {A general method for avoiding cycling in a network}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {251-253}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Meyer Adv. Technol. Center, IBM Israel Sci. Center, Haifa, Israel}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Meira/87, AUTHOR = {Meira, S.L.}, TITLE = {Strict combinations (functions parameter passing)}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {255-258}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Federal Univ. of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Blazewicz-Finke/87, AUTHOR = {B{\l}azewicz, J. and Finke, G.}, TITLE = {Minimizing mean weighted execution time loss on identical and uniform processors}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {259-263}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Tech. Univ. of Poznan, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Horspool-Levy/87, AUTHOR = {Horspool, R.N. and Levy, M.R.}, TITLE = {Correctness of an extended operator-precedence parsing algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {265-273}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Victoria Univ., BC, Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Ruby/87, AUTHOR = {Ruby, J.}, TITLE = {A liveness property of a parallel algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {275-277}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {AEP Software, Brookline, MA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Szwarcfiter/87, AUTHOR = {Szwarcfiter, J.L.}, TITLE = {A note on the computation of the $k$-closure of a graph}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {279-280}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Nucleo de Computacao Electronica, Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Madlener-Otto/87, AUTHOR = {Madlener, K. and Otto, F.}, TITLE = {Using string-rewriting for solving the word problem for finitely presented groups}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {281-284}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Fachbereich Inf., Kaiserslautern Univ., Germany}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Asano-Asano-Imai/87, AUTHOR = {Asano, T. and Asano, T. and Imai, H.}, TITLE = {Shortest path between two simple polygons}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {285-288}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Sophia Univ., Tokyo, Japan}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Atkinson-Chang/87, AUTHOR = {Atkinson, M.D. and Chang, H.W.}, TITLE = {Computing the number of mergings with constraints}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {289-292}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Sch. of Comput. Sci., Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Ont., Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hazari-Zedan/87, AUTHOR = {Hazari, C. and Zedan, H.}, TITLE = {A distributed algorithm for distributed termination}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {293-297}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Electr. \& Electron. Eng., Bristol Univ., England}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Koch/87, AUTHOR = {Koch, G.}, TITLE = {Automating the semantic component}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {299-305}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. of Datalogy, Copenhagen Univ., Denmark}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hirschberg-Volper/87, AUTHOR = {Hirschberg, D.S. and Volper, D.J.}, TITLE = {Improved update/query algorithms for the interval valuation problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {307-310}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Info. \& Comput. Sci., California Univ., Irvine, CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Chang-Gonnet-Rotem/87, AUTHOR = {Chang, E.J.H. and Gonnet, G.H. and Rotem, D.}, TITLE = {On the costs of self-stabilization}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {311-316}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Alberta Res. Council, Calgary, Alta., Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Valentine-Davis/87, AUTHOR = {Valentine, M. and Davis, R.H.}, TITLE = {The automated solution of logic puzzles}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {317-324}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Heriot-Watt Univ., Edinburgh, Scotland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Chrobak-Rytter/87, AUTHOR = {Chrobak, M. and Rytter, W.}, TITLE = {Remarks on string-matching and one-way multihead automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {325-329}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. of Inf., Warsaw Univ., Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Tennent/87a, AUTHOR = {Tennent, R.D.}, TITLE = {A note on undefined expression values in programming logics}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {331-333}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Edinburgh Univ., Scotland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Widmayer-Wood/87, AUTHOR = {Widmayer, P. and Wood, D.}, TITLE = {Time- and space-optimal contour computation for a set of rectangles}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {335-338}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. f{\"u}r Angewandte Info. und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren, Karlsruhe Univ., Germany}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Dillencourt/87a, AUTHOR = {Dillencourt, M.B.}, TITLE = {Traveling salesman cycles are not always subgraphs of Delaunay triangulations or of minimum weight triangulations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {339-342}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Comput. Technol. Associates, Inc., McLean, VA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Kennaway-Sleep/87, AUTHOR = {Kennaway, J.R. and Sleep, M.R.}, TITLE = {Variable abstraction in $O(n\log n)$ space}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {343-349}, YEAR = {1987, March}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Sch. of Inf. Syst., East Anglia Univ., Norwich, England}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Muller/87, AUTHOR = {M{\"u}ller, H.}, TITLE = {Sorting numbers using limited systolic coprocessors}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {351-354}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Inst. f{\"u}r Inf. I, Karlsruhe Univ., Germany}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Gottlob/87, AUTHOR = {Gottlob, G.}, TITLE = {On the size of nonredundant FD-covers}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {355-360}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Stanford Univ., CA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Szepietowski/87, AUTHOR = {Szepietowski, A.}, TITLE = {There are no fully space constructible functions between $\log\log n$ and $\log n$}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {361-362}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math., Tech. Univ. Gdansk, Poland}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Parberry/87a, AUTHOR = {Parberry, I.}, TITLE = {An improved simulation of space and reversal bounded deterministic Turing machines by width and depth bounded uniform circuits}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {363-367}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Samet-Shaffer-Webber/87, AUTHOR = {Samet, H. and Shaffer, C.A. and Webber, R.E.}, TITLE = {Digitizing the plane with cells of nonuniform size}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {369-375}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Maryland Univ., College Park, MD, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Blumer-Ehrenfeucht-Haussler-Warmuth/87, AUTHOR = {Blumer, A. and Ehrenfeucht, A. and Haussler, D. and Warmuth, M.K.}, TITLE = {Occam's Razor (learning algorithm)}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {377-380}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Math., Denver Univ., CO, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Bajantri-Skillicorn/87, AUTHOR = {Bajantri, M. and Skillicorn, D.B.}, TITLE = {A fast multiprocessor message passing implementation}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {381-389}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., Canada}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Fraser-Hanson/87, AUTHOR = {Fraser, C.W. and Hanson, D.R.}, TITLE = {Optimization of argument evaluation order}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {391-395}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Marie-Trivedi/87, AUTHOR = {Marie, R. and Trivedi, K.S.}, TITLE = {A note on the effect of preemptive policies on the stability of a priority queue}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {397-401}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {IRISA, Rennes Univ., France}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Wright/87, AUTHOR = {Wright, W.E.}, TITLE = {A note on external sorting using almost single input buffering}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {403-405}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Sridhar/87a, AUTHOR = {Sridhar, M.K.}, TITLE = {A new algorithm for parallel solution of linear equations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {407-412}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Electrw3. Eng., Indian Inst. of Sci., Bangalore, India}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Edelsbrunner-Overmars/87, AUTHOR = {Edelsbrunner, H. and Overmars, M.H.}, TITLE = {Zooming by repeated range detection}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Process.~Lett.}, VOLUME = {24}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {413-417}, YEAR = {1987, April}, PUBLISHER = {North-Holland Publishing Company}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Comput. Sci., Illinois Univ., Urbana, IL, USA}, ADDRESS = {Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, }