@article{Platek-Sgall/78, AUTHOR = {Pl{\'a}tek, Martin and Sgall, Petr}, TITLE = {A scale of context sensitive languages: Applications to natural language}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {1-20}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Basar/78, AUTHOR = {Ba{\c{s}}ar, Tamer}, TITLE = {Two-criteria LQG decision problems with one-step delay observation sharing pattern}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {21-50}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Wyner/78, AUTHOR = {Wyner, A.D.}, TITLE = {A definition of conditional mutual information for arbitrary ensembles}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {51-59}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Wyner/78a, AUTHOR = {Wyner, A.D.}, TITLE = {The rate-distortion function for source coding with side information at the decoder-II: General sources}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {60-80}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Pyster/78, AUTHOR = {Pyster, Arthur}, TITLE = {Context-dependent tree automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {81-102}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Rozenberg-Vermeir/78a, AUTHOR = {Rozenberg, G. and Vermeir, D.}, TITLE = {On ETOL systems of finite index}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {103-133}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Okuda-Tanaka-Asai/78, AUTHOR = {Okuda, T. and Tanaka, H. and Asai, K.}, TITLE = {A formulation of fuzzy decision problems with fuzzy information using probability measures of fuzzy events}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {135-147}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Karlin-Bhargava/78, AUTHOR = {Karlin, M. and Bhargava, V.K.}, TITLE = {A note on extended quaternary quadratic residue codes and their binary images}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {148-153}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Gaines/78, AUTHOR = {Gaines, Brian R.}, TITLE = {Fuzzy and probability uncertainty logics}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {154-169}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Baxter/78, AUTHOR = {Baxter, Lewis D.}, TITLE = {The undecidability of the third order dyadic unification problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {170-178}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Willsky/78, AUTHOR = {Willsky, Alan S.}, TITLE = {On the algebraic structure of certain partially observable finite-state Markov processes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {179-212}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Piret/78, AUTHOR = {Piret, Ph.}, TITLE = {Generalized permutations in convolutional codes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {213-239}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Flachs-Pollatschek/78, AUTHOR = {Flachs, J. and Pollatschek, M.A.}, TITLE = {Further results on fuzzy-mathematical programming}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {241-257}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Katseff/78b, AUTHOR = {Katseff, Howard P.}, TITLE = {Complexity dips in random infinite binary sequences}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {258-263}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Fliess/78, AUTHOR = {Fliess, Michel}, TITLE = {Un codage non commutatif pour certains syst{\`e}mes {\'e}chantillonn{\'e}s non lin{\'e}aires}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {264-287}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Tiuryn/78, AUTHOR = {Tiuryn, Jerzy}, TITLE = {Some results on the decomposition of finite automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {288-297}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Ehrenfeucht-Rozenberg/78c, AUTHOR = {Ehrenfeucht, A. and Rozenberg, G.}, TITLE = {Simplifications of homomorphisms}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {298-309}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{van_der_Mude-Walker/78, AUTHOR = {van der Mude, A. and Walker, Adrian}, TITLE = {On the inference of stochastic regular grammars}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {310-329}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Maurer-Rozenberg/78, AUTHOR = {Maurer, H.A. and Rozenberg, G.}, TITLE = {Increasing the similarity of EOL form interpretations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {330-342}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Corsini-Frosini/78, AUTHOR = {Corsini, Paolo and Frosini, Graziano}, TITLE = {Interconnecting asynchronous control networks}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {343-366}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Oyamaguchi-Honda/78, AUTHOR = {Oyamaguchi, Michio and Honda, Namio}, TITLE = {The decidability of equivalence for deterministic stateless pushdown automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Control}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {367-376}, YEAR = {1978}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, }