@article{Homeier-Martin/03, AUTHOR = {Homeier, Peter V. and Martin, David F.}, TITLE = {Secure mechanical verification of mutually recursive procedures}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-19}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00133-0}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Kirousis-Kolaitis/03, AUTHOR = {Kirousis, Lefteris M. and Kolaitis, Phokion G.}, TITLE = {The complexity of minimal satisfiability problems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {20-39}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00037-3}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Karhumaki-Lisovik/03, AUTHOR = {Karhum{\"{a}}ki, J. and Lisovik, L.P.}, TITLE = {A simple undecidable problem: The inclusion problem for finite substitutions on $ab^{\ast} c$}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {40-48}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00120-2}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Lutz/03, AUTHOR = {Lutz, Jack H.}, TITLE = {The dimensions of individual strings and sequences}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {49-79}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {algorithmic information, computability, constructive dimension, dimension, entropy, gales, hausdorff dimension, kolmogorov complexity, kullback-leibler divergence, martingales, randomness, supergales, termgales}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00187-1}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Kuske/03, AUTHOR = {Kuske, Dietrich}, TITLE = {Regular sets of infinite message sequence charts}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {80-109}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {message sequence charts, distributed automata, monadic second order logic, mazurkiewicz traces}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00123-8}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Mihara/03, AUTHOR = {Mihara, Takashi}, TITLE = {Splitting information securely with entanglement}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {110-122}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {quantum cryptosystem, splitting information, entanglement}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00121-4}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Comon-Jacquemard/03, AUTHOR = {Comon, Hubert and Jacquemard, Florent}, TITLE = {Ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {123-153}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {computer theorem-proving, rewriting systems, tree automata, computational complexity}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00134-2}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Parnas-Ron/03, AUTHOR = {Parnas, Michal and Ron, Dana}, TITLE = {Testing metric properties}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {155-195}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00160-3}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Hirshfeld-Rabinovich/03, AUTHOR = {Hirshfeld, Yoram and Rabinovich, Alexander}, TITLE = {Future temporal logic needs infinitely many modalities}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {196-208}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00163-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Costagliola-Deufemia-Ferrucci-Gravino/03, AUTHOR = {Costagliola, Gennaro and Deufemia, Vincenzo and Ferrucci, Filomena and Gravino, Carmine}, TITLE = {On regular drawn symbolic picture languages}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {209-245}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {chain code pictures, regular drawn picture languages, string descriptions}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00136-6}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Gottlieb-Obrenic/03, AUTHOR = {Gottlieb, I. and Obreni{\'c}, B.}, TITLE = {Controlling the data space of tree structured computations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {246-276}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {multiprocessor scheduling algorithm, token space, precedence graph, precedence tree, dataflow}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00132-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Bshouty-Jackson-Tamon/03, AUTHOR = {Bshouty, Nader H. and Jackson, Jeffrey C. and Tamon, Christino}, TITLE = {Uniform-distribution attribute noise learnability}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {277-290}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {computational learning theory, learning with noise, fourier analysis}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00135-4}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Flum-Grohe/03, AUTHOR = {Flum, J{\"{o}}rg and Grohe, Martin}, TITLE = {Describing parameterized complexity classes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {187}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {291-319}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00161-5}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Reith-Vollmer/03, AUTHOR = {Reith, Steffen and Vollmer, Heribert}, TITLE = {Optimal satisfiability for propositional calculi and constraint satisfaction problems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-19}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00092-0}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Bshouty/03, AUTHOR = {Bshouty, Nader H.}, TITLE = {The monotone theory for the PAC-model}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {20-35}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00116-0}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Schmid-Schossmaier/03, AUTHOR = {Schmid, Ulrich and Schossmaier, Klaus}, TITLE = {Interval-based clock synchronization with optimal precision}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {36-77}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {fault-tolerant distributed real-time systems, hybrid fault models, link failures, external clock synchronization, convergence functions, marzullo function, accuracy intervals, clock granularity}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00103-2}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Ablayev-Karpinski/03, AUTHOR = {Ablayev, Farid and Karpinski, Marek}, TITLE = {A lower bound for integer multiplication on randomized ordered read-once branching programs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {78-89}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {deterministic and randomized branching programs, obdd, complexity, lower bounds, integer multiplication, randomized algorithms}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00118-4}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Fenner-Fortnow-Naik-Rogers/03, AUTHOR = {Fenner, Stephen A. and Fortnow, Lance and Naik, Ashish V. and Rogers, John D.}, TITLE = {Inverting onto functions}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {90-103}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00119-6}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Amir-Beigel-Gasarch/03, AUTHOR = {Amir, Amihood and Beigel, Richard and Gasarch, William}, TITLE = {Some connections 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{Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {abstract syntax, variable binding, permutation, fresh names}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00138-X}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Caires-Cardelli/03, AUTHOR = {Caires, Lu{\'{\i}}s and Cardelli, Luca}, TITLE = {A spatial logic for concurrency (part I)}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {194-235}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00137-8}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Ogawa/03, AUTHOR = {Ogawa, Mizuhito}, TITLE = {A linear time algorithm for monadic querying of indefinite data over linearly ordered domains}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {186}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {236-259}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {well-quasi-ordering, higman's lemma, indefinite data, query answering, linear-time algorithm}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00142-1}, 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Kevin and Li, Ming and Ma, Bin and Wang, Shaojiu and Zhang, Louxin}, TITLE = {Distinguishing string selection problems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {41-55}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00057-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Tung/03, AUTHOR = {Tung, Shih Ping}, TITLE = {Skolem functions of arithmetical sentences}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {56-65}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00085-3}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Lopez-Ortiz-Schuierer/03, AUTHOR = {L{\'{o}}pez-Ortiz, Alejandro and Schuierer, Sven}, TITLE = {Searching and on-line recognition of star-shaped polygons}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {66-88}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {on-line searching, algorithmic foundations of robotics, competitive ratio, motion planning, star-shaped polygons}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00081-6}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Jain-Stephan/03, AUTHOR = {Jain, Sanjay and Stephan, Frank}, TITLE = {Learning by switching type of information}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {89-104}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00082-8}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Lynch-Segala-Vaandrager/03, AUTHOR = {Lynch, Nancy and Segala, Roberto and Vaandrager, Frits}, TITLE = {Hybrid I/0 automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {105-157}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00067-1}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Jantzen-Kurganskyy/03, AUTHOR = {Jantzen, Matthias and Kurganskyy, Alexy}, TITLE = {Refining the hierarchy of blind multicounter languages and twist-closed trios}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {159-181}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {reversal-bounded multicounter automata, shuffle, intersection-closed semi-afl, twist-closed semi-afls, hierarchy of semi-afls, blind multicounter languages, linear algebra, multipushdown acceptors}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00087-7}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Levy-Power-Thielecke/03, AUTHOR = {Levy, Paul Blain and Power, John and Thielecke, Hayo}, TITLE = {Modelling environments in call-by-value programming languages}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {182-210}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00088-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Valentini-Viale/03, AUTHOR = {Valentini, Silvio and Viale, Matteo}, TITLE = {A binary modal logic for the intersection types of lambda-calculus}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {211-232}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00089-0}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Maieli-Ruet/03, AUTHOR = {Maieli, Roberto and Ruet, Paul}, TITLE = {Non-commutative logic III: Focusing proofs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {233-262}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00084-1}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Strahm/03, AUTHOR = {Strahm, Thomas}, TITLE = {Theories with self-application and computational complexity}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {263-297}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {bounded applicative theories, explicit mathematics, bounded arithmetic, feasible functionals}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00086-5}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Ratsaby/03, AUTHOR = {Ratsaby, Joel}, TITLE = {On learning multicategory classification with sample queries}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {185}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {298-327}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {multicategory classification, on-line learning algorithm, pattern recognition, structural risk minimization, stochastic gradient descent learning}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00083-X}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Ingolfsdottir/03, AUTHOR = {Ing{\'{o}}lfsd{\'{o}}ttir, Anna}, TITLE = {A semantic theory for value-passing processes based on the late approach}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-44}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00052-X}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Jain-Kinber-Papazian-Smith-Wiehagen/03, AUTHOR = {Jain, Sanjay and Kinber, Efim and Papazian, Christophe and Smith, Carl and Wiehagen, Rolf}, TITLE = {On the intrinsic complexity of learning recursive functions}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {45-70}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00059-2}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Kobler-Messner-Toran/03, AUTHOR = {K{\"{o}}bler, Johannes and Messner, Jochen and Tor{\'{a}}n, Jacobo}, TITLE = {Optimal proof systems imply complete sets for promise classes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {71-92}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {optimal proof systems, complete sets}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00058-0}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Sze-Chanson-Ding-Helleseth-Parker/03, AUTHOR = {Sze, T.W. and Chanson, S. and Ding, C. and Helleseth, T. and Parker, M.G.}, TITLE = {Logarithm Cartesian authentication codes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {93-108}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {authentication codes, cryptography, cyclotomy}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00053-1}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Metivier-Saheb-Zemmari/03, AUTHOR = {M{\'{e}}tivier, Yves and Saheb, Nasser and Zemmari, Akka}, TITLE = {Analysis of a randomized rendezvous algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {109-128}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {randomized algorithm, analysis of algorithm, efficiency, graph, rendezvous}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00054-3}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Arkin-Bender-Mitchell-Skiena/03, AUTHOR = {Arkin, Esther M. and Bender, Michael A. and Mitchell, Joseph S.B. and Skiena, Steven S.}, TITLE = {The Lazy Bureaucrat scheduling Problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {129-146}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {scheduling, approximation algorithms, optimization, dynamic programming, np-completeness, lazy bureaucrat}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00060-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Moller-Rabinovich/03, AUTHOR = {Moller, Faron and Rabinovich, Alexander}, TITLE = {Counting on CTL*: On the expressive power of monadic path logic}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {147-159}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00104-4}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Desharnais-Gupta-Jagadeesan-Panangaden/03, AUTHOR = {Desharnais, Jos{\'{e}}e and Gupta, Vineet and Jagadeesan, Radha and Panangaden, Prakash}, TITLE = {Approximating labelled Markov processes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {160-200}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00051-8}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Fu/03, AUTHOR = {Fu, Yuxi}, TITLE = {Bisimulation congruence of $\chi$-calculus}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {201-226}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {process algebra, mobile process, bisimulation, axiomatization}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00061-0}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Pnueli-Rodeh-Strichman-Siegel/03, AUTHOR = {Pnueli, Amir and Rodeh, Yoav and Strichman, Ofer and Siegel, Michael}, TITLE = {Erratum to ''The small model property: How small can it be?''}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {227-227}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00117-2}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, NOTE = {Originally in Inf. Comput., Vol. 178, 2002, No. 1, 279-293}, } @article{Mitina-Vereshchagin/03, AUTHOR = {Mitina, Olga and Vereshchagin, Nikolai}, TITLE = {How to use several noisy channels with unknown error probabilities}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {229-241}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {noisy channel, maximum likelihood estimator}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00063-4}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Compagnoni-Goguen/03, AUTHOR = {Compagnoni, Adriana and Goguen, Healfdene}, TITLE = {Typed operational semantics for higher-order subtyping}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {242-297}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {subtyping, type theory, typed-operational semantics, lambda calculus, dependent kinds}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00062-2}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Cai-Lam/03, AUTHOR = {Cai, Ning and Lam, Kwok Yan}, TITLE = {On identification secret sharing schemes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {298-310}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {identification, secret sharing, public message}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00056-7}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Vogler/03, AUTHOR = {Vogler, Walter}, TITLE = {Faster asynchronous systems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {184}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {311-342}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {asynchronous systems, testing theory, worst-case performance, petri nets}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00065-8}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Jurdzinski-Nielsen-Srba/03, AUTHOR = {Jurdzi{\'n}ski, Marcin and Nielsen, Mogens and Srba, Ji{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}}, TITLE = {Undecidability of domino games and hhp-bisimilarity}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = 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linear recursion}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00012-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Danos-Joinet/03, AUTHOR = {Danos, Vincent and Joinet, Jean-Baptiste}, TITLE = {Linear logic and elementary time}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {183}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {123-137}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00010-5}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Armando-Ranise-Rusinowitch/03, AUTHOR = {Armando, Alessandro and Ranise, Silvio and Rusinowitch, Micha{\"{e}}l}, TITLE = {A rewriting approach to satisfiability procedures}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {183}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {140-164}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {automated deduction, equational logic, term rewriting, superposition, decision procedures, lists, encryption, arrays with extensionality, finite sets with extensionality, homomorphism}, URL = 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= {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Bouyer-Petit-Therien/03, AUTHOR = {Bouyer, Patricia and Petit, Antoine and Th{\'{e}}rien, Denis}, TITLE = {An algebraic approach to data languages and timed languages}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {182}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {137-162}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(03)00038-5}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Finkel-Iyer-Sutre/03, AUTHOR = {Finkel, Alain and Iyer, S. 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Moshe and Porat, Ely}, TITLE = {Overlap matching}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {181}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {57-74}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial algorithms on words, pattern matching, pattern matching with swaps, non-standard pattern matching}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00035-4}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Sibeyn/03, AUTHOR = {Sibeyn, Jop F.}, TITLE = {List-ranking on interconnection networks}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {181}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {75-87}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {parallel algorithms, interconnection networks, list-ranking, randomization, meshes, hypercubes}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00029-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Dong-Libkin-Wong/03, AUTHOR = {Dong, Guozhu and Libkin, Leonid and Wong, Limsoon}, TITLE = {Incremental recomputation 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processes, $\pi$-calculus, bisimulation, symbolic bisimulation, proof systems, process algebra}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00014-7}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Lopez-Narbel/03, AUTHOR = {Lopez, Luis-Miguel and Narbel, Philippe}, TITLE = {Languages, DOL-systems, sets of curves, and surface automorphisms}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {180}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {30-52}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00031-7}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Boros-Ibaraki-Makino/03, AUTHOR = {Boros, Endre and Ibaraki, Toshihide and Makino, Kazuhisa}, TITLE = {Variations on extending partially defined Boolean functions with missing bits}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {180}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {53-70}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {logical analysis of data, boolean functions, extensions, partially defined boolean functions, missing bits}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00012-3}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Jansen/03, AUTHOR = {Jansen, Klaus}, TITLE = {The mutual exclusion scheduling problem for permutation and comparability graphs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {180}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {71-81}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00028-7}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Goldman-Kwek-Scott/03, AUTHOR = {Goldman, Sally A. and Kwek, Stephen S. and Scott, Stephen D.}, TITLE = {Learning from examples with unspecified attribute values}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {180}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {82-100}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {unspecified or missing attributes, exact learning, membership queries, equivalence queries, dnf formulas, decision trees}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00030-5}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{de_Agostino-Silvestri/03, AUTHOR = {de Agostino, Sergio and Silvestri, Riccardo}, TITLE = {Bounded size dictionary compression: $SC^k$-completeness and $NC$ algorithms}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {180}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {101-112}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {parallel complexity, NC algorithms, SC$^k$-completeness, data compression, dictionary algorithms}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00013-5}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Halldorsson-Kortsarz-Proskurowski-Salman-Shachnai-Telle/03, AUTHOR = {Halld{\'{o}}rsson, Magn{\'{u}}s M. and Kortsarz, Guy and Proskurowski, Andrzej and Salman, Ravit and Shachnai, Hadas and Telle, Jan Arne}, TITLE = {Multicoloring trees}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {180}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {113-129}, YEAR = {2003}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {multicoloring, approximation algorithms, resource allocation, scheduling}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0890-5401(02)00032-9}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, }