@article{Kobler-Schuler/04, AUTHOR = {K{\"o}bler, Johannes and Schuler, Rainer}, TITLE = {Average-case intractability vs. worst-case intractability}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-17}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.05.002}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Kleijn-Koutny/04, AUTHOR = {Kleijn, H.C.M. and Koutny, M.}, TITLE = {Process semantics of general inhibitor nets}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {18-69}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {theory of concurrency, petri nets, weighted inhibitor arcs, causality semantics, processes, occurrence nets, step sequences}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.11.002}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Honkala/04, AUTHOR = {Honkala, Juha}, TITLE = {Bounds for the DOL language equivalence problem}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {70-80}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {DOL systems, equivalence problem, decidability}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.12.002}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Jain-Menzel-Stephan/04, AUTHOR = {Jain, Sanjay and Menzel, Wolfram and Stephan, Frank}, TITLE = {Classes with easily learnable subclasses}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {81-99}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.12.004}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Amir-Church-Dar/04, AUTHOR = {Amir, Amihood and Church, Kenneth W. and Dar, Emanuel}, TITLE = {The submatrices character count problem: An efficient solution using separable values}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {100-116}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.12.001}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Attiya-Shachnai/04, AUTHOR = {Attiya, Hagit and Shachnai, Hadas}, TITLE = {Tight bounds for FEC-based reliable multicast}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {117-135}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {reliable multicast, error-correcting codes, randomized distributed algorithms, lower bounds}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.12.005}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Cattani-Sewell/04, AUTHOR = {Cattani, Gian Luca and Sewell, Peter}, TITLE = {Models for name-passing processes: Interleaving and causal}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {136-178}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {concurrency and distributed computation, $\pi$-calculus, semantics, categorical models}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.12.003}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Qiu/04, AUTHOR = {Qiu, Daowen}, TITLE = {Automata theory based on quantum logic: Some characterizations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {179-195}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2003.11.003}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Vorobyov/04, AUTHOR = {Vorobyov, Sergei}, TITLE = {The most nonelementary theory}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {196-219}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {lower complexity bound, nonelementary theory, generic reduction, reduction via length order, inductive definition}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2004.02.002}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, } @article{Creignou-Daude/04, AUTHOR = {Creignou, Nadia and Daud{\'e}, Herv{\'e}}, TITLE = {Combinatorial sharpness criterion and phase transition classification for Random CSPs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {190}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {220-238}, YEAR = {2004}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {constraint satisfaction problems, phase transition classification, sharp thresholds, coarse thresholds}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2004.01.002}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier B.V.}, ADDRESS = {Orlando-Amsterdam-Tokyo-Singapore}, }