@article{Pighizzini/01, AUTHOR = {Pighizzini, Giovanni}, TITLE = {How hard is computing the edit distance?}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-13}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {formal languages, computational complexity, string correction, error correction, edit distance, dynamic programming}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.2914}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Fages-Ruet-Soliman/01, AUTHOR = {Fages, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Ruet, Paul and Soliman, Sylvain}, TITLE = {Linear concurrent constraint programming: Operational and phase semantics}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {14-41}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.3002}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Auletta-Persiano/01, AUTHOR = {Auletta, Vincenzo and Persiano, Pino}, TITLE = {Optimal pebble motion on a tree}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {42-68}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.3005}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Kuich/01, AUTHOR = {Kuich, Werner}, TITLE = {Pushdown tree automata, algebraic tree systems, and algebraic tree series}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {69-99}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.2908}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Gennaro-Rohatgi/01, AUTHOR = {Gennaro, Rosario and Rohatgi, Pankaj}, TITLE = {How to sign digital streams}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {100-116}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.2916}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Aceto-Ingolfsdottir/01, AUTHOR = {Aceto, Luca and Ing{\'o}lfsd{\'o}ttir, Anna}, TITLE = {Erratum to ''A domain equation for bisimulation''}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {119-122}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2001.2909}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, NOTE = {Originally in Inf. Comput., Vol. 92, 1991, No. 2, 161-218}, } @article{Herley-Pietracaprina-Pucci/01, AUTHOR = {Herley, Kieran T. and Pietracaprina, Andrea and Pucci, Geppino}, TITLE = {Implementing shared memory on mesh-connected computers and on the fat-tree}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {123-143}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.3006}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Baldoni-Helary-Raynal/01, AUTHOR = {Baldoni, Roberto and H{\'e}lary, Jean-Michel and Raynal, Michel}, TITLE = {Rollback-dependency trackability: A minimal characterization and its protocol}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {144-173}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {distributed applications, network operating systems, concurrency, multiprocessing?multiprogramming, synchronization, checkpoint?restart, fault-tolerance}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.2906}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Bertoni-Carpentieri/01, AUTHOR = {Bertoni, Alberto and Carpentieri, Marco}, TITLE = {Regular languages accepted by quantum automata}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {174-182}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.2911}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, } @article{Gottlob-Pichler/01, AUTHOR = {Gottlob, Georg and Pichler, Reinhard}, TITLE = {Working with ARMs: Complexity results on atomic representations of Herbrand models}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {165}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {183-207}, YEAR = {2001}, EDITOR = {Meyer, Albert R.}, KEYWORDS = {complexity, herbrand models, automated deduction, automated model building, knowledge representation, logic programming}, URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/inco.2000.2915}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {Orlando}, }