@article{Beaudry/94, AUTHOR = {Beaudry, M.}, TITLE = {Membership testing in threshold one transformation monoids}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-25}, YEAR = {1994, August}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Wanke/94b, AUTHOR = {Wanke, Egon}, TITLE = {On the decidability of certain integer subgraph problems on context-free graph languages}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {26-49}, YEAR = {1994, August}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Ellis-Sudborough-Turner/94, AUTHOR = {Ellis, J.A. and Sudborough, I.H. and Turner, J.S.}, TITLE = {The vertex separation and search number of a graph}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {50-79}, YEAR = {1994, August}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Schieber-Snir/94, AUTHOR = {Schieber, Baruch and Snir, Marc}, TITLE = {Calling names on nameless networks}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {80-101}, YEAR = {1994, August}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Gerber-Lee/94, AUTHOR = {Gerber, Richard and Lee, Insup}, TITLE = {A resource-based prioritized bisimulation for real-time systems}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {102-142}, YEAR = {1994, August}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Contejean-Devie/94, AUTHOR = {Contejean, Evelyne and Devie, Herv{\'e}}, TITLE = {An efficient incremental algorithm for solving systems of linear diophantine equations}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {143-172}, YEAR = {1994, August}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Taubenfeld-Katz-Moran/94, AUTHOR = {Taubenfeld, Gadi and Katz, Shmuel and Moran, Shlomo}, TITLE = {Impossibility results in the presence of multiple faulty processes}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {173-198}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Chin-McColl/94, AUTHOR = {Chin, Andrew and McColl, W.F.}, TITLE = {Virtual shared memory: Algorithms and complexity}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {199-219}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Ogielski/94, AUTHOR = {Ogielski, Andrew T.}, TITLE = {Minimal samples of positive examples identifying $k$-CNF boolean functions}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {220-229}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Long-Warmuth/94, AUTHOR = {Long, Philip M. and Warmuth, Manfred K.}, TITLE = {Composite geometric concepts and polynomial predictability}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {230-252}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Wand-Wang/94, AUTHOR = {Wand, Mitchell and Wang, Zheng-Yu}, TITLE = {Conditional lambda-theories and the verification of static properties of programs}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {253-277}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Harel-Raz/94, AUTHOR = {Harel, David and Raz, Danny}, TITLE = {Deciding emptiness for stack automata on infinite trees}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {278-299}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Jerrum/94a, AUTHOR = {Jerrum, Mark}, TITLE = {Simple translation-invariant concepts are hard to learn}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {300-311}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Afek-Matias/94, AUTHOR = {Afek, Yehuda and Matias, Yossi}, TITLE = {Elections in anonymous networks}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {312-330}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, } @article{Shallit/94, AUTHOR = {Shallit, Jeffrey}, TITLE = {Numeration systems, linear recurrences, and regular sets}, JOURNAL = {Inf.~Comput.}, VOLUME = {113}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {331-347}, YEAR = {1994, September}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York-San Francisco-London-San Diego}, }