@article{Chan-Godsil/10, AUTHOR = {Chan, Ada and Godsil, Chris}, TITLE = {Type-II matrices and combinatorial structures}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-24}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/k1678626lvj48441/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{De_Winter-Schillewaert/10, AUTHOR = {De Winter, Stefaan and Schillewaert, Jeroen}, TITLE = {Characterizations of finite classical polar spaces by intersection numbers with hyperplanes and spaces of codimension 2}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {25-45}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/u626472g05r322m6/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Guruswami-Lee-Razborov/10, AUTHOR = {Guruswami, Venkatesan and Lee, James R. and Razborov, Alexander}, TITLE = {Almost Euclidean subspaces of $\ell_{1}^{N}$ via expander codes}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {47-68}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/44t604n6886n3633/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Jackson/10, AUTHOR = {Jackson, Bill}, TITLE = {An inequality for Tutte polynomials}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {69-81}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/61612250v56597mr/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Laflamme-The-Sauer/10, AUTHOR = {Laflamme, Claude and Th{\'e}, Lionel Nguyen Van and Sauer, Norbert W.}, TITLE = {Partition properties of the dense local order and a colored version of Milliken's theorem}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {83-104}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/c206044m1660u111/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Marciniszyn-Spohel/10, AUTHOR = {Marciniszyn, Martin and Sp{\"o}hel, Reto}, TITLE = {Online vertex-coloring games in random graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {105-123}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/dr5443p37k406864/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Csikvari/10, AUTHOR = {Csikv{\'a}ri, P{\'e}ter}, TITLE = {On a poset of trees}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {125-137}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/30j081281222qk44/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Dartyge-Sarkozy-Szalay/10, AUTHOR = {Dartyge, C{\'e}cile and S{\'a}rk{\"o}zy, Andr{\'a}s and Szalay, Mih{\'a}ly}, TITLE = {On the pseudo-randomness of subsets related to primitive roots}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {139-162}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/m173870r0v112441/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Gyarmati-Matolcsi-Ruzsa/10, AUTHOR = {Gyarmati, Katalin and Matolcsi, M{\'a}t{\'e} and Ruzsa, Imre Z.}, TITLE = {A superadditivity and submultiplicativity property for cardinalities of sumsets}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {163-174}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/43m62111t5162742/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Keevash-Mubayi/10, AUTHOR = {Keevash, Peter and Mubayi, Dhruv}, TITLE = {Set systems without a simplex or a cluster}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {175-200}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/518g2q1l82864734/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Kierstead-Kostochka/10, AUTHOR = {Kierstead, Henry A. and Kostochka, Alexandr V.}, TITLE = {Equitable versus nearly equitable coloring and the Chen-Lih-Wu Conjecture}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {201-216}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/dp262x2512772254/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Kierstead-Kostochka-Mydlarz-Szemeredi/10, AUTHOR = {Kierstead, Henry A. and Kostochka, Alexandr V. and Mydlarz, Marcelo and Szemer{\'e}di, Endre}, TITLE = {A fast algorithm for equitable coloring}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {217-224}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/610215472l36705g/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Vu/10, AUTHOR = {Vu, H. Van}, TITLE = {Structure of large incomplete sets in Abelian groups}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {225-237}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/x636u1124251lj36/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Yuster/10, AUTHOR = {Yuster, Raphael}, TITLE = {Quasi-randomness is determined by the distribution of copies of a fixed graph in equicardinal large sets}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {239-246}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/c5k4534l0n7x085q/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Fujishige/10, AUTHOR = {Fujishige, Satoru}, TITLE = {A note on disjoint arborescences}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {247-252}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/2356k3p2m8451312/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Han/10, AUTHOR = {Han, Guo-Niu}, TITLE = {New hook length formulas for binary trees}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {253-256}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/t2422n70668uj644/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Barequet-Barequet-Rote/10, AUTHOR = {Barequet, Ronnie and Barequet, Gill and Rote, G{\"u}nter}, TITLE = {Formulae and growth rates of high-dimensional polycubes}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {257-275}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/hh2q8n813h08q8tm/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Bohman-Frieze-Mubayi-Pikhurko/10, AUTHOR = {Bohman, Tom and Frieze, Alan and Mubayi, Dhruv and Pikhurko, Oleg}, TITLE = {Hypergraphs with independent neighborhoods}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {277-293}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/2757j4u26523p184/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Hirai/10, AUTHOR = {Hirai, Hiroshi}, TITLE = {Metric packing for $K_3+K_3$}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {295-326}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/1kn2p6m447686kv4/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{ODonnell-Servedio/10, AUTHOR = {O'Donnell, Ryan and Servedio, Rocco A.}, TITLE = {New degree bounds for polynomial threshold functions}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {327-358}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/950g3ngj0h1r8u68/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Androulakis-Dilworth-Kalton/10, AUTHOR = {Androulakis, George and Dilworth, Stephen J. and Kalton, Nigel J.}, TITLE = {A new approach to the Ramsey-type games and the Gowers dichotomy in $F$-spaces}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {359-385}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/3h28030pjtp55635/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Chudnovsky-Seymour/10, AUTHOR = {Chudnovsky, Maria and Seymour, Paul}, TITLE = {The three-in-a-tree problem}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {387-417}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/b8x6693h48128119/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Hedman-Pong/10, AUTHOR = {Hedman, Shawn and Pong, Wai Yan}, TITLE = {Locally finite homogeneous graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {419-434}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/c073kr57390q7u75/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Shult-Thas/10, AUTHOR = {Shult, Ernest E. and Thas, Koen}, TITLE = {A theorem of Cohen on parapolar spaces}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {435-444}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/5w45155676124517/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Sudakov-Vondrak/10, AUTHOR = {Sudakov, Benny and Vondr{\'a}k, Jan}, TITLE = {A randomized embedding algorithm for trees}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {445-470}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/3064n71081163857/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Zivaljevic/10, AUTHOR = {{\v{Z}}ivaljevi{\'c}, Rade T.}, TITLE = {Oriented matroids and Ky Fan's theorem}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {471-484}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/b025218115452675/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Andrews-Chuzhoy-Guruswami-Khanna-Talwar-Zhang/10, AUTHOR = {Andrews, Matthew and Chuzhoy, Julia and Guruswami, Venkatesan and Khanna, Sanjeev and Talwar, Kunal and Zhang, Lisa}, TITLE = {Inapproximability of edge-disjoint paths and low congestion routing on undirected graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {485-520}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/2rn734qp0430m531/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Bruhn-Diestel-Georgakopoulos-Sprussel/10, AUTHOR = {Bruhn, Henning and Diestel, Reinhard and Georgakopoulos, Agelos and Spr{\"u}ssel, Philipp}, TITLE = {Every rayless graph has an unfriendly partition}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {521-532}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/j5p4w466l1746471/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Demaine-Hajiaghayi-Mohar/10, AUTHOR = {Demaine, Erik D. and Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi and Mohar, Bojan}, TITLE = {Approximation algorithms via contraction decomposition}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {533-552}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/h96773m010737357/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Elek/10, AUTHOR = {Elek, G{\'a}bor}, TITLE = {On the limit of large girth graph sequences}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {553-563}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/t16k2g647125053r/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Fujita-Kawarabayashi/10, AUTHOR = {Fujita, Shinya and Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi}, TITLE = {Non-separating even cycles in highly connected graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {565-580}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/t12t3x4675167502/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Mendel-Naor/10, AUTHOR = {Mendel, Manor and Naor, Assaf}, TITLE = {Maximum gradient embeddings and monotone clustering}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {581-615}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/rl407586k3196415/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Adams-Billington-Hoffman-Lindner/10, AUTHOR = {Adams, Peter and Billington, Elizabeth J. and Hoffman, D.G. and Lindner, C.C.}, TITLE = {The generalized almost resolvable cycle system problem}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {617-625}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/m12286313r7kn26x/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Bernasconi-Panagiotou-Steger/10, AUTHOR = {Bernasconi, Nicla and Panagiotou, Konstantinos and Steger, Angelika}, TITLE = {On properties of random dissections and triangulations}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {627-654}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/e7561833tgx10582/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Canfield-McKay/10, AUTHOR = {Canfield, E. Rodney and McKay, Brendan D.}, TITLE = {Asymptotic enumeration of integer matrices with large equal row and column sums}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {655-680}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/b8pjxqv5q1917173/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Diestel-Sprussel/10, AUTHOR = {Diestel, Reinhard and Spr{\"u}ssel, Philipp}, TITLE = {The homology of a locally finite graph with ends}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {681-714}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/bv5345084650j064/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Kawarabayashi-Kobayashi/10, AUTHOR = {Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi and Kobayashi, Yusuke}, TITLE = {Algorithms for finding an induced cycle in planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {715-734}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/b184132471331w6l/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, } @article{Korneffel-Triesch/10, AUTHOR = {Korneffel, Torsten and Triesch, Eberhard}, TITLE = {An asymptotic bound for the complexity of monotone graph properties}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {30}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {735-743}, YEAR = {2010}, EDITOR = {Babai, L. and Lov{\'a}sz, L. and Schrijver, A.}, URL = {http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/v0g27q213n1gr6v0/fulltext.pdf}, PUBLISHER = {J{\'a}nos Bolyai Mathematical Society, Springer International}, }