@article{Bollobas-Erdos-Spencer-West/93, AUTHOR = {Bollob{\'a}s, B{\'e}la and Erd{\H{o}}s, Paul and Spencer, Joel and West, Douglas B.}, TITLE = {Clique coverings of the edges of a random graph}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1-5}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Coullard-Gardner-Wagner/93, AUTHOR = {Coullard, Collette R. and Gardner, L. Leslie and Wagner, Donald K.}, TITLE = {Decomposition of 3-connected graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {7-30}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Erdos-Hajnal-Simonovits-Sos-Szemeredi/93, AUTHOR = {Erd{\H{o}}s, P. and Hajnal, A. and Simonovits, M. and S{\'o}s, V.T. and Szemer{\'e}di, E.}, TITLE = {Tur{\'a}n-Ramsey theorems and simple asymptotically extremal structures}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {31-56}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Erdos-Richmond/93, AUTHOR = {Erd{\H{o}}s, P. and Richmond, L.B.}, TITLE = {On graphical partitions}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {57-63}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Frank/93, AUTHOR = {Frank, Andr{\'a}s}, TITLE = {Conservative weightings and ear-decompositions of graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {65-81}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Lueker-Molodowitch/93, AUTHOR = {Lueker, George S. and Molodowitch, Mariko}, TITLE = {More analysis of double hashing}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {83-96}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Middendorf-Pfeiffer/93, AUTHOR = {Middendorf, Matthias and Pfeiffer, Frank}, TITLE = {On the complexity of the disjoint paths problem}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {97-107}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Sidorenko/93a, AUTHOR = {Sidorenko, Alexander}, TITLE = {Boundedness of optimal matrices in extremal multigraph and digraph problems}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {109-120}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Borodin/93, AUTHOR = {Borodin, Oleg}, TITLE = {Joint extension of two theorems of Kotzig on 3-polytopes}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {121-125}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Zhang/93d, AUTHOR = {Zhang, Zhen}, TITLE = {A note on arrays of dots with distinct slopes}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {127-128}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Ajtai-Linial/93, AUTHOR = {Ajtai, Mikl{\'o}s and Linial, Nathan}, TITLE = {The influence of large coalitions}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {129-145}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Bollobas-Brightwell/93, AUTHOR = {Bollob{\'a}s, B{\'e}la and Brightwell, Graham}, TITLE = {Cycles through specified vertices}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {147-155}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Cordovil-Moreira/93, AUTHOR = {Cordovil, R. and Moreira, M.L.}, TITLE = {Bases-cobases graphs and polytopes of matroids}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {157-165}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Furedi-Kahn-Seymour/93, AUTHOR = {F{\"u}redi, Z. and Kahn, J. and Seymour, P.D.}, TITLE = {On the fractional matching polytope of a hypergraph}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {167-180}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hales/93, AUTHOR = {Hales, Thomas C.}, TITLE = {Remarks on the density of sphere packings in three dimensions}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {181-197}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hammer-Maffray/93, AUTHOR = {Hammer, Peter L. and Maffray, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, TITLE = {Preperfect graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {199-208}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Suen/93, AUTHOR = {Suen, W.C. Stephen}, TITLE = {On depth first search trees in $m$-out digraphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {209-229}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Blidia-Duchet-Maffray/93, AUTHOR = {Blidia, M. and Duchet, P. and Maffray, F.}, TITLE = {On kernels in perfect graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {231-233}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Friedman/93a, AUTHOR = {Friedman, Joel}, TITLE = {A note on matrix rigidity}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {235-239}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Ahlswede-Cai/93, AUTHOR = {Ahlswede, Rudolf and Cai, Ning}, TITLE = {A generalization of the AZ identity}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {241-247}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Kupitz/93b, AUTHOR = {Kupitz, Yaakov S.}, TITLE = {Separations of a finite set in $R^d$ by spanned hyperplanes}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {249-258}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Gebert-Richter/93, AUTHOR = {Gebert-Richter, J{\"u}rgen}, TITLE = {Euclideaness and final polynomials in oriented matroid theory}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {259-268}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Rinott-Saks/93, AUTHOR = {Rinott, Yosef and Saks, Michael}, TITLE = {Correlation inequalities and a conjecture for permanents}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {269-277}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Robertson-Seymour-Thomas/93, AUTHOR = {Robertson, Neil and Seymour, Paul D. and Thomas, Robin}, TITLE = {Hadwiger's conjecture for $K_6$-free graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {279-361}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Seysen/93, AUTHOR = {Seysen, M.}, TITLE = {Simultaneous reduction of a lattice basis and its reciprocal basis}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {363-376}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Cameron-Praeger-Wormald/93, AUTHOR = {Cameron, Peter J. and Praeger, Cheryl E. and Wormald, Nicholas C.}, TITLE = {Infinite highly arc transitive digraphs and universal covering digraphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {377-396}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Deza-Grishukhin-Laurent/93, AUTHOR = {Deza, M. and Grishukhin, V.P. and Laurent, M.}, TITLE = {The hypermetric cone is polyhedral}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {397-411}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Frankl-Tokushige/93, AUTHOR = {Frankl, Peter and Tokushige, Norihide}, TITLE = {Weight functions on the Kneser graph and the solution of an intersection problem of Sali}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {413-420}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Hell-Zhou-Zhu/93, AUTHOR = {Hell, Pavol and Zhou, Huishan and Zhu, Xuding}, TITLE = {Homomorphisms to oriented cycles}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {421-433}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Kilakos-Reed/93, AUTHOR = {Kilakos, K. and Reed, B.}, TITLE = {Fractionally colouring total graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {435-440}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Linial-Saks/93, AUTHOR = {Linial, Nathan and Saks, Michael}, TITLE = {Low diameter graph decompositions}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {441-454}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Matousek-Welzl-Wernisch/93, AUTHOR = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, Ji{\v{r}}{\'i} and Welzl, Emo and Wernisch, Lorenz}, TITLE = {Discrepancy and approximations for bounded VC-dimension}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {455-466}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Oxley-Whittle/93a, AUTHOR = {Oxley, James and Whittle, Geoff}, TITLE = {Some excluded-minor theorems for a class of polymatroids}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {467-476}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Seyffarth/93a, AUTHOR = {Seyffarth, K.}, TITLE = {Small cycle double covers of 4-connected planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {477-482}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, } @article{Sharir/93a, AUTHOR = {Sharir, Micha}, TITLE = {$k$-sets and random hulls}, JOURNAL = {Combinatorica}, VOLUME = {13}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {483-495}, YEAR = {1993}, PUBLISHER = {Akad{\'e}miai Kiad{\'o}}, ADDRESS = {Budapest, North-Holland Publishing Company: Amsterdam-New York-Oxford-Tokyo}, }